


孩子的教育始终是家长关心的头等大事,所有的家长都希望自己的孩子能够接受最好的教育,有更好的未来。为此威廉希尔app 小升初频道为大家提供2014小升初英语考试试题。希望对广大家长和小学生们都有所帮助!



一 单词辨音。请选出一个发音不同于其它三个的选项。

1 ( )A cold B dog C hot D not

2 ( ) A food B balloon C look D room

3 ( ) A walk B fall C ball D wake

4 ( ) A cent B enjoy C mess D every

5 ( ) A lunch B chalk C Chemistry D March

6 ( ) A ride B milk C smile D nice

7 ( ) A read B bread C meat D tea

8 ( ) A map B have Csame D cap

9 ( ) A says B play C day D today

10 ( ) A left B letter C be D mess

二 词型变化

1. buy( 过去式) 2.swim( 现在分词) 3.children(单数) 4.hour (同音词) 5.fly(过去式) 6.noisy(名词) 7.am/is(过去式) 8.son(同音词) 9.we (宾格) 10.America(形容词)

三 英汉互译

1.middle school 2.make a mistake 3.all over the world 4.ride a bike 5.fly away 6.举行野餐

7.小心 8.棒球帽 9.说汉语


四 选择填空。

1 It’s easy ( ) make mistakes with English . A for B in C to

2 Lots of children( ) English now.

A learn B are learning C learning

3 They are playing football, ( ) it’s raining. A But B And C Or

4 He’s going to go to school( ) bus.. A by B in C on

5 Yang Liwei went in a spaceship( ) made a video..

A so B and C but

6 We are going to ( ) Geography.

A studied Bstudy C to study

7 ( ) the matter?

A Who’s BWhat’s C Where’s

8 My parents often tell me( ) your family..

A for Babout C from

9 ( ) was he born?He was born in China

A Where B When C What

10 There is a letter( ) you。A for Bwith C to

11 This cap ( ) good. A look B looks C looking

12 Why are you( ) ?.A laugh Blaughing C to laugh

13 Piease take the cake out( ) three thirty.. A on B in C at 14 I hope you are( ) a good time. A have Bhaving C has

15 His grandma live to( )90. A is Bwas C be

16 Can I help you? .. .

A .I’m ill B.I lost my dog C. I want a hot dog.

17( ) is it?It’s 5 yuan. . A How many Bhow much C How old

18 My uncle can ( ) Chinese. . A speak B say C tell

19 He ‘s starting to cross,( ) a car is coming..

A and Bbut C or

20( )are you wearing a coat? Because it’s going to rain., . A. Why B. What C . How


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