


小升初考试是小学生面临的第一次重要的考试,它关系到小学生是否可以接受更好的初等教育。为了帮助小学生更好的做好小升初的复习备考,威廉希尔app 小升初频道为大家准备了2014年小升初的英语试卷及答案,希望大家在小升初的备考过程中有所参考!


Ⅰ. 根据录音内容,选择你所听到的单词、词组或句子。(8分)

( )1. A. cleaner B. clean C. cleaning

( )2.A.after lunch B.after school C.next week

( )3. A. watches TV B. reads a book C. plays the violin

( )4. A. by train B. by bus C. by plane

( )5. A. riding B. singing C. diving

( )6. A. read books B. read newspapers C. read magazines

( )7. A. It comes from the water.

B. It comes from the rain.

C. It comes from the clouds.

( )8. A. It’s near the cinema.

B. It’s far from the cinema.

C. I’m going to the cinema.


( ) ( )

Ⅲ.听问句,从A、B两个选项中选择适合的答句。 (5分)

( )1. A. Go straight and you can see it. B. Go to school by bus.

( )2. A. I am watching TV. B. I am going to watch TV.

( )3. A. I can see two flowers. B. I like flowers.

( )4. A. I like riding. B. Yes, I like swimming very much.

( )5. A. It is big. B. It is next to the school.


Hello! My name is Ben. I am a little ______ drop. I like flying in the ______. One day, my friends and I are ______ in the sky. Suddenly we ______ down from the sky. Then we ______ in the sea. The sun ______ out, and we ______ very hot. We ______ up higher and higher. Then we can play again.


( )1. My school is small but nice.

( )2. There are 20 classes in our school.

( )3. Our school is far from a big supermarket.

( )4. There is a bus stop on the left.

( )5. I go to the cinema by bus.

读写部分 70%


/'mirə / / gз:l/ /nз:s/ /bз:d/ /'m∧δə / /skз:t/ /'sistə/ / bəna:nə/

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )  ( ) ( )

六年级英语毕业升学模拟试卷及答案:A. mirror B. mother C. skirt D. girl E. bird F. nurse G. sister H. banana


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( )1. A. east B. west C. easy


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