威廉希尔app 为大家带来小升初英语完形填空,希望可以帮到您!
On Christmas Eve a few days ago, an English couple, the Hardens, got a very special call. It was only a 20-second call but it was very ____1____. The Hardens’ 15-year-old daughter has gone ___2____ six months before. On Christmas Eve she rang them. “I’m phoning to wish you a happy Christmas, ”she said, “I love you.”
Ronals and Edwine Harden were so ______3_____ that they started a special telephone service (服务)called “Alive and Well”. The service helps ______4______ to get in touch with children who have run away from home.
Young people can phone “Alive and Well” and leave a message for their parents. The telephone are answered by answering machines. So _____5_____ can speak to the child or make him return home. Parents of runaway children who are ______6_______ eighteen can ask the police to bring their children home. So children do not want to tell their parents where they are. Through “Alive and Well ”they can telephone their parents and they do not ______7______ about this or giving out their addresses.
The Hardens and their helpers _____8______ the telephone messages and connect(联系)the addresses given. About 30,000 British teenagers have left home and many of them are probably in ______9______. For only two pence(便士)they can go into a telephone coin box and call their parents. They can dial 5675339 and ______10______ a parent worry: Is he dead or alive?
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