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随着小升初考试时间的越来越紧凑,很多考生都出现了盲目复习的现象,复习无重点。威廉希尔app 小升初频道为大家提供小升初英语模拟试卷,希望对大家有帮助!


一、 看图补充单词,每空一个字母。(每题1分,共10分)

1. p_ ct_ _e 2. d_ _gh_ er 3. Ch_ _ a 4. c_o_d 5. c_ _ m_

6. S_ t_rd_y 7. _l_v_n 8. l_ _gh 9. br_ _d 10. sn_k_

二、 写出下列单词的复数形式。(每题1分,共10分)

1. he______ 2. foot ______ 3. mouse ______ 4. sheep _____ 5. candy_____

6. wolf ______ 7. fox _____ 8. child _______ 9. peach_____ 10. am/ is _____


( ) 1. How are you ? A. It’s Saturday.

( ) 2. I’m from China. B. It’s sunny.

( ) 3. What’s your name? C. I can write.

( ) 4. What day is today? D. Come in, please.

( ) 5. How’s the weather? E. That’s Ok.

( ) 6. What can you do? F. Welcome to the USA.

( ) 7. May I come in? G. My name’s Cloudy.

( ) 8. I’m sorry. H. Fine, thank you.

( ) 9. Can I help you? I. No, I can’t.

( ) 10. Can you go swimming? J. Yes, please.


rabbit laugh Tuesday cloudy sky panda Monday moon rainy parrot star cry Thursday snowy zebra shout work sunny Wednesday sun

1.天气: ______ _______ ______ _______

2.动物:_______ _______ ______ _______

3.动词:_______ _______ _______ _______

4.自然:_______ _______ _______ _______

5.星期:_______ _______ ________ _______


( )1. ---Summer, eat ____ ice cream, please.

---How yummy! I love it. Thank you.

A. a B. an C. some

( )2. ---Ting Ting, have ____ coke, please.

--- Oh! How yucky!

A. a B. an C. some

( )3.---May I come in ?


A. Come in, please. B. Go away. C. This way, please.

( )4.How many __________?

A. rabbit B. child C. geese

( )5.So many ____________ !

A. sheep B. bee C. balloon

( )6. An elephant. How ________ !

A. tall B. long C. short

( )7.Jake, Tom and I _______ from America.

A. is B. am C. are

( )8.Class, let’s ____________.

A. play game B. play a game C. play the game

( )9. ---_______ is he?

---He is nine.

A. Where B. When C. How old

( )10. ---What’s the second(第二)day of a week(星期)?

---It’s ___________

A. Tuesday B. Monday C. Saturday

( )11. ---What _____ this?

---It’s ______ wolf.

A. is, a B. are, an C. is, an

( )12. ---Who _____ they?

---They _____ Mr Brown and Peter.

A. is, is B. am, am C. are, are

( )13. ---Where _____ Peter from?

---He ______ from the USA.

A. is, come B. is, is C. are, comes

( )14.---Today is Sunday, what day is tomorrow?

---It’s ____________

A. Sunday B. Monday C. Tuesday

( )15.--- How’s the weather in spring?

---It’s ____________.

A. warm B. cool C. cold

( )16.---Do you have a crayon?


A. No, I can’t B. No, I don’t. C. No, we aren’t.

( )17. There _____many animals ______ the farm?

A. is, in B. are, on C. am, under

( )18.--- _______ is the white dog?

---It’s between the black dog _____ the gray dog.

A. What, or B. How, but C. Where , and

( )19. My mother ______ a beautiful dress.

A. is B. has C. have

( )20. A is ______ apple.

A. of B. from C. for


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