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Eugenie Grandet is a famous French novel,written by Balzac, whose characters are Grandet, his daughter, and Charles. Grandet are the representatives of greed and money. He is obsessive with money. He represents some of the greedy Americans, though Eugenie Grandet is a famous French novel. And the Americans can learn it from historical and philosophical perspectives. From history perspective, they learn that France has a close relationship with America. The French immigrants worked together and created American culture which was blending of French cultures under new circumstance. The Frenchmen’s outlook on money influenced American’s. And from philosophical perspective, they learn that everything has a connection in the world, so they cannot separate one thing from another.

Many people say that money is the root of evil. However, every coin has its two sides; they can analyze the function of money from two sides. It’s a common knowledge that everyone likes money and needs money. Without money, they cannot buy food, clothes and other daily necessities. Without money, they cannot go to school, go to cinema or other places. In my thesis, it analyzes the disadvantages and advantages of the outlook on money, and gives the methods for dealing with the disadvantages of the outlook on money in appropriate way. And show them that money is just for better life.

Ⅰ. The Introduction of the Major Roles in Eugenie Grandet


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