陪审制度是指国家审判机关吸收非法律职业者参加法庭审判,与职业法官共同行使审判权的司法民主制度。 从世界范围来看,陪审制度主要存在两种形式:英美法系的陪审团制和大陆法系的参审制。
Jury system refers to the state judicial absorb non-legal professionals to participate in court proceedings, together with professional judges exercise judicial judicial democracy. From a global perspective, there are two main forms of the jury system: common law jury system and the civil law in judging cases. Our current jury system from the nature of the people in terms of belonging to the latter, although the U.S. jury system are referred to as "the jury system," but in the history of Evolution, composition, procedures and other aspects of the operation but there is a world of difference.
First,Historical Development of American jury system . Anglo-American jury system has always been a major feature of law . Although the onset of the modern jury system exactly where in the Western scholars have always been " an unresolved problem" , but most people believe that the jury system in the modern sense began in the United Kingdom. Early 17th century , the British colonies in North America , British immigrants to settle in North America, the jury system into the colonial judicial system, the colony 's development, so rooted in the U.S. jury system began . 1606 King in order to protect the rights of the British colonists domiciled decree requires Virginia colonial government in the colonial government or the Commission has not been a trial , you must provide for criminal suspects jury trial services. Subsequently, the 1606 Virginia Charter is considered to be the originator of the jury system in the United States .
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