


【编者按】教育学是以教育现象、教育问题为研究对象,归纳总结人类教育活动的科学理论与实践,探索解决教育活动产生、发展过程中遇到的实际教育问题,从而揭示出一般教育规律的一门社会科学。威廉希尔app 论文网为您提供教育学论文范文参考,以及论文写作指导和格式排版要求,解决您在论文写作中的难题。

[摘 要] 本文试从英语教学理论和实践出发,论述高中英语新教材的特点,指出要把握SEFC,必须语言知识与文化知识并重,结构与功能并重,培养读写能力为主,听说为辅,以学生为主体,以现代教育技术为辅助。教师应坚持钻研教材,认真作好教后反思笔记。

[关键词] 高中英语新教材;语言;知识;技能;手段;角色;教研

Grasping the Spirit of SEFC

Abstract: Based on the theories and practice of the English language teaching as well as the writer‘s perception of the characteristics of SEFC, this paper tends to set forth the aspects that the writer believes are critical to make the best of the SEFC textbooks, namely, coping with language and culture, structure and function, reading and writing skills, traditional and modern ways of teaching, language teaching techniques, roles of the teacher and the students as well as teaching and research.

Key words: SEFC; language; knowledge; skills; means; roles; teaching and research

教材是教学内容的重要载体,是课程实施的基本依据。高中英语新教材(Senior English for China)在全国铺开使用已有三年有余了。在使用的过程中,觉得仔细体味编者的思想至关重要。那么,如何在宏观上把握好这套教材,使之很好地为英语教学服务呢?本文结合笔者第一轮的教学实践,谈以下几个问题。


语言结构是外语学习的基本内容,但在基础阶段,交际功能也很重要。语言的功能是SEFC教材较为重视的一条。编者常称本套教材编写的语言学理论并非结构主义,亦非功能-意念法,而是两者的“有机结合”,称结构-功能法。以前的英语教学受结构主义的刺激-反应学说(Sà r……sà R)的影响,认为学习语言仅仅是学习语法结构,学会了结构就可以造出无数句子。Chomsky的转换-生成语法(Transformational-Generative Grammar)就是以此为主要理论基础的。但是随着认知学派的产生和壮大,Piaget的发生-认知论被重视。于是产生了功能法、认知法等流派,为语言学习理论的发展打下了坚实的基础。语言运用能力被看作是在一定的语境(context)中正确运用语言的能力,两者有机结合,才有现在新教材所倡导的最基本的模式,即“五步法”(Revision-Presentation-Drill-Practice-Consolidation)。复习时,教师的角色是强化记忆者;介绍时,教师的角色是示范表演者;操练时,是组织者/指挥者;练习时,是裁判员/监督员/监听者;巩固(主要是写)时,是帮手(后来是记分员)(见SEFC Teacher’s Book1A:6)。此五步法,从结构操练到交际性操练到交际活动,实质上是从语言知识的学习到语言的运用(语用)的过程。SEFC教材的编写体例独特,以话题(Topic)为线索,语法现象的学习不求一步到位,而是循序渐进,步步为营,为真实情景操练提供了方便。

例1:SEFC1A L.50 Abraham Lincoln一课的结构-功能操练活动设计:


T: Abraham Lincoln studied law when he had time after work.

S1: He studied law in his spare time.


T: What do you like to do most?

S2: I like to (operate my computer).

T: When do you usually...?

S2: In my spare time.


结合L.50内容,让学生进行Pair work或Group work,设计一个电视采访或记者招待会的场景。教师创设情景,然后允许学生自行设计交谈内容。

S3: Mr Lincoln, I hear you were great in your childhood. What did you do in your spare time? Do you think what you did in your spare time has anything to do with your success as President?

S4: I have to say that I was no great child. In fact, I was born into a poor family. I had to help my father on the farm, and my mother died early. I didn‘t go to school much. Luckily, my stepmother was kind to me. And I went to work early in my life. But I did try to read as much as possible, and I did work hard. I think hard work and much reading have led me through all these years....


S5: Different people do different things in their spare time. What’s your opinion about that?

S6: ...
