Personal Information
Name: liu sir Gender: Male
Birth Date: Sep. 1976 Birth Place: Shao yang Hunan
University: Harbin Institute of Technology Degree: Bachelor
Contact: 0
Education Background
Sep. 1996—Jul.2000 Harbin Industry of Technology Bachelor Degree
Undergraduate 4-year degree in Electrification Engineer Dept.
The courses including: Advanced Maths, College English,
Engineering Chart, Electric Circuit Theory, Electron Technology,
Motor-driven etc. Have a good command of the theory of design of Motor,
Manufacture-art, Electromotive-control.
Took part in the National College Student Electron – Design Competition
Working Experience
Jul. 2000—Present Midea Holding Co., Ltd (Welling Branch )
Worked as Project Engineer & Technology Support Engineer
Familiar with AC motor structure and elements, have the working experience in
electronics, Design DC motor according to the customer’s request and make
confirmation sample motor, cooperate with sale engineer to negotiate with
customer. experience in dealing with Gree, Le hua, Zhi gao etc.