


Oct.2003-May 2005   Labor Bureau Employment and Training Center of Licang District

Working as an office clerk

Mainly being responsible for training enrolment and recruitment of the unemployed, saving & adding up relevant datum in the computer; drawing up interrelated forms, taking care of trainings and exams of all specialties; frequently running errands to handle affairs in the departments concerned of Labor and Social Security Bureau of Qingdao, as well as the Employment Assistance Center of Qingdao, etc.

July.2006-July 2009    DDI Inc.(U.S.A), Qingdao Office

Working as an US logistics operator (night shift) & semi-interpreter, translator (day shift)

Night shift: mainly taking charge of the customs clearance for goods to the US (guaranteeing the containers released in time) ; urging the timely payment of ocean air/freight to DDI,surrendering the timely OBL to shipping companies before they release the goods; a timely solution to any inspections during the transport of goods by air or sea; approving the bills such as Arrival Notice, Clearance Invoice and B/L and upgrading them in the database; serving as an agent for freight forwarding companies; selecting the most economical yards (destination for goods); working out the “Weight Limit Table”.

Day shift: receiving the members from headquarters and the clients followed; translating routine mails, terms together with agreements, etc.

Aug.2009 –Aug. 2010   Translation Agency

Adicionalmente trabajando con las personas hispanohablantes como interprete y traductor de espanol;acting as a translator(English) & proofreader for translation office, plus serving as an English semi-interpreter for those guys with the aim of travelling in Qingdao or studying here on a short-time basis from the U.S.A, U.K, Germany, France, Australia, New Zealand, Finland,Norway,Bulgaria,Congo,and Cameroon,etc.

Sep.2010-Now       Shandong Hengye Petroleum New Techonology Application Co.Ltd.(Dongying)

Working as a translator and interpreter both in Spanish and English:at home:mainly translating relevant documents such as Manual of operation and maintenance for nitrogen and steam injection equipments, Agreement on Customs Evaluation, both the Business and Technical Tender when I stay at home, occasionally receiving  clients from Columbia and Venezuela principally as a Spanish interpreter;  whereas acting as a Spanish interpreter on the spot for the personnel both from our company and from theirs as for the procedure of construction when I am on business trip to foreign lands.

En marzo de 2011       Trabajando como traductor y corrector de espanol para una gran empresa de vehículos ferroviarios en cuanto a la propuesta y otras documentaciones relacionadas de vehículo subterráneo;ayudandoles a los representantes de proyecto argentinos en el terreno mismo/a campo cuando ellos hablaban de negocios negociando con las personales de esta empresa. Se termina la tarea exitosamente como deseados y se goza de buena opinión desde tanto la emprea como los argentinos.

April 2011              Working as a translator between Chinese and English for a Taiwan-based enterprise in terms of commonly-used model for advertising planning. All was finished with an excellent appraisal from the enterprise as expected.


Confidence (in interpretation)  taking on the accompanying interpretation job for the overseas students from Germany at OUC in the autumn of 2005

Being capable of doing simultaneous interpretation

(in translation)   often doing the part-time translations & translation proofreads on business literatures, terms and agreements, theses and dissertations, introductions to company and firm safety rules & regulations, directions of products, etc.

(en la interpretacion de espanol)  Trabajando como un interprete de espanol para el estudiante del ultramar de Ecuador de la Universidad del mar de China en Julio, 2010, interpretando la negociacion entre el profesor Tian ChuanYuan con otros profesores del departamento del producto acuatico y el a si mismo. Tambien interpretando la negociacion entre el maestro del Instituto de oceanografia de la  academia de ciencias de China y el a si mismo.

Achievement                 succeeding in organizing the enrolment & relevant arrangements of Licang district on the Qingdao 8th vocational skills contest during the 2nd half of 2004

Quality & Personality      Honest & Responsible, Striving to make progress, Efficient,able to learn, quick to adapt myself to a new conditions, teamwork possession. My biggest advantage consists in enjoying learning, handing affairs with amazing will.






