


Departments:General manager Room

Position: The General Manager

Company Profile: The company operated by me, which produced medium and high grade eyeglasses for European and American markets,

Nature of Enterprise: private enterprise

The total number of company:300

the Number of subsidiaries: 300

Main products: Medium and high grade eyeglasses for Europe and America

Direct superiors:

The structure of Company

Job duty:

1 .Be responsible for the company's management of the various departments,Company operations,The completion and upgrading the economic and technological indicators;

2 .To establish a reasonable strategic planning and organizne it into implementation

3. To develop sustainable development goals,to make the management optimal,To maintain sustainable development potential of the company,To improve the company's competitiveness of the industry effective

4 .Corporate culture and spiritual civilization construction enterprises

5. New Product Development

6 .KPI Achivement assessments of various departments

7. in charge of the selection, deployment, career planning of the management staff above the company’s director level

Job performance:

Salary Status:

Witness: work unit: position: cell phone:

Reason for leaving: Due to my lack of funds, liquidity problems, so transfer it to a European listed companies

4.2001/05- -2004/02: New Hua qiang Glasses Manufacture Co., Ltd. In Shenzhen

Industry unit: Plastic / Metal / mold / Crafts / high plating / coating grade

Departments:General manager Room

Position: Deputy general manager

Company Description: The company is a Hong Kong-owned medium-sized enterprise, mainly produces Medium and high grade eyeglasses for European and American markets,

Nature of Enterprise: Foreign company(Hong Kong invested)

The total number of company:1500

the Number of subsidiaries: 1500

Main products: Medium and high grade eyeglasses for European and American markets,

Direct superiors: The General Manager