有个伟人说妇女能顶半边天,有个聪明的作家说男人的一半是女人。其实,当今世界,唱主角的依旧是男人,女人犹如一座深藏的宝藏,远远没有被挖掘出来。 下面是编辑老师为大家准备的英语毕业论文格式。
Shakespeare, a famous playwright, has said that the name of the women was frailty. For a long time, women were slaves of men. Women were vulnerable and could not protect themselves, nor could they have their own fate in hand. What the women could do was just to obey men’s order. (Yun Zhou, 3)
But as time goes by, with the development of society, women’s stature has improved a lot. Women in 21st century are not what they were centuries ago. Modern women have changed a lot and have their unique characters and features.
With the development of advanced science and technology, economic globalization and the arrival of knowledge era, the society today is no longer dominated by men. Women have been the masters of the other half of the sky. Women can control their own fate and they have the right to decide what to do or what not to do .Men and women are equal.(Xin Ran, 4)
Ⅰ. Present Social Situation of Women
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