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注:1. 中文摘要前空一行。






As the manager and leader of a school, the principal is not only a practicer to carry out the policy of the educational reform, but also a forthgoer of educational reform in school. The ability and value tropism play an important role in the management of a school, which has a deep influence in the educational reform. But all of those are embodied in the leadership behavior. As an important theoretical problem, much achievement has been acquired abroad and in Hong Kong and Taiwan, but in Mainland China, the professional research is not fruitful and gives too much attention to superorganic theoretical considering, which emphasizes value tropism and ignores factual research.

As a new leadership theory, transformational leadership theory is very suitable for the social and educational circumstances full of change and uncertainty. Using the multi-factor leadership questionnaire and the sampling method of delamination and random, the author carries out a research to 119 principals of senior middle schools. Through analyzing the data the author tries to offer some valuable suggestion for the principals.

Key words:principal; leadership behavior; senior middle school

注:1.英文摘要前空一行。ABSTRACT字样为英文大写,四号Times New Roman字体,加黑,居中位置。

2.Key words后加冒号,为小四号Times New Roman字体,加黑,左对齐。



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