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编号 xxxxxx大学

毕 业 论 文



学 号

专 业

班 级


2004 年 月



Reflection on Chomsky’s Idealization of Language

I. Introduction

II. Demonstration

A. Language as a concrete system of signs, has its own significance

in the context of society.

1. Language is a system.

2.The conventionalization of language.

B. Language as a social institution, is born with society. It develops

and interacts with the society.

1. Communicative function of language.

2. Language evolves hand in hand with the society.

a.Influences from the society upon language.

1) Macrolinguistic perceptive

2) Microlinguistic perceptive

b.Influences from language upon society

1) Interaction between language and society

2) Social factors and linguistic research

III. Conclusion



This paper begins with a brief introduction to Chomsky’s methodology of idealization in linguistic research. Although the idealization

in physical research from which Chomsky’s idealization deprives can still keep natural laws’ validity, the author points out

Chomsky’s idealization is not accessible. The key point lies in the exclusion of

social factors

in his research. Then the author demonstrates the reason why Chomsky’s exclusion of social factors is not accessible from two aspects: (1) Language

is a concrete system of signs. (2)Language is a social institution. Only in the

context of society are these


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