
2015-01-23 17:38:11 字体放大:  


551.beyond (all) question (=without question) 毫无疑问

552.out of the question (=impossible) 不可能的

553.in question (=under discussion) 所谈及的

554.without question 毫无疑问

555.be caught in the rain 被雨淋了

556.at random (=without aim or purpose) 随便地,任意地,胡乱地

557.range over (=cove,include) 范围包括

558.range between 范围在……与……之间不等

559.at any rate (=at all events) 无论如何,总之

560.beyond the reach of 无法达到 (得到,理解)

561.out of reach of 无法够到within reach of (or within one‘s reach) 够得到,能拿到

562.react to 对……作出反应

563.react on /upon 对……产生影响

564.react against 作出反抗或反对反应

565.(be) ready for准备好做……

566.in reality (=in fact,really) 事实上

567.beyond all reason 没有道理的

568.by reason of (=because of) 由于,因为

569.it stands to reason that…… 理所当然

570.reason with (=argue) 劝说

571.in the red 亏损,负债,赤字 (be) get out of red 不再亏损

572.refer to……as 把……称做……

573.refer……to…… (=send,take) 送交,呈交

574.with/in reference to (=concerning, about) 关于

575.with/in regard to (=concerning) 有关,关于