
2015-01-12 16:42:48 字体放大:  


notion – concept – idea 概念

characteristic – feature 特征

be characteristic of – be typical of 是….所特有的

difficult – hard – tough 困难的

area – field 领域

area – region 区域

final –last 最后的

diploma – certificate 证书

pleasing – satisfactory 令人满意的

wish – hope 希望

massive – extensive – a mass of -- plentiful大量的

conference – meeting会议

close – intimate -- near亲密的

link – connect 连接

explore – investigate 调查

propose – suggest – advise -- recommend 建议

cater for – meet – satisfy 满足

provide – supply – furnish 提供

unite – combine – join 联合, 合并

come across – run into – meet 遇到

appealing – attractive --fascinating 吸引人的

appeal to -- tempt – attract – fascinate (A 级) 吸引

instruct – teach 教授(…课程)

private – personal 私人的

vanish – disappear 消失

phase – stage 阶段

pattern – mode 模式, 式样

destroy – ruin 毁灭

facilitate (A 级)– help – assist 有助于