EdgarAllen Poe, an American writer, was born in1809. His parents were actors. Edgarwas a babywhen his father left the family. (16)He was two yearsold when hismother died. He was taken into the home of a wealthy businessman namedJohnAllen. He then received his new name, Edgar Allen Poe. As a young man, Poeattended theUniversity of Virginia. He was a good student, but he liked todrink alcohol and play card gamesfor money. As an unskilled game player, heoften lost money. (17) Since he couldn’t pay off hisgambling debt, he leftuniversity and began working for magazines. He worked hard, yet he wasnot wellpaid, or well known. At the age of 27, he got married. For a time it seemedthat Poewould find some happiness, but his wife was sick for most of theirmarriage, and died in 1847.Through all his crises, Poe produced many storiesand poems which appeared in differentpublications, yet he didn‘t become famousuntil 1845, when his poem, The Raven, waspublished. There is a question,however, about Poe’s importance in American literature. Somecritics say Poewas one of America’s best writers, and even had a great influence on manyFrenchwriters’ but others disagree. (18)They say Poe’s work is difficult tounderstand and most of hiswriting describes many unpleasant situations andevents. Edgar Allen Poe died in 1849 when hewas 40 years old. (19) It is saidthat he was found dead after days of heavy drinking.
16. Whathappened to Edgar Alien Poe’s family when he was only two years old?
17. Whydid Edgar Allen Poe leave the University of Virginia?
18. Whatdo some critics say about Edgar Allen Poe?
19. Howdid Edgar Allen Poe’s life come to an end?