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第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1.How does the man like to begin his lecture ?

A.With a laugh . B.With a smile. C.With a funny story.

2.What does the man do ?

A.A driver . B.A policeman . C.A gatekeeper .

3.Where are the two speakers ?

A.At a bus stop . B.In a shop . C.In a hospital .

4.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers ?

A.Teacher and student . B.Classmates . C.Mother and son .

5.What might have happened ?

A.An earthquake . B.A fire . C.A gas accident .

第二节 (共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6.What time did the woman think Cindy would come ?

A.At 4:00. B.Before 4:00. C.After 4:00.

7.Where does the conversation take place ?

A.At the man’s home . B.At a café . C.At the woman’s home.


8.How will they travel ?

A.By train . B.By bus . C. By plane .

9.When should the man book the traveling in advance ?

A.Four months . B.Eight months . C.Ten months .

10.What is the purpose of the man ?

A.To book a ticket . B.To give some details . C.To ask for information .


11.What will be broadcast on television on October 10th ?

A.Cartoon films . B.At Talk Show . C.A scientific program .

12.Why should the program be easy to understand ?

A.It is meant for nonscientists .

B.It is simple enough for children .

C.It will be shown after school .


13.What was the man worried about at first ?

A.His family . B.His biology paper . C.His birthday party .

14.What will be woman do over the weekend ?

A.Celebrate her grandmother’s birthday .

B.Work on her biology paper .

C.Read at the library .


15.How many places will Mr. Robertson visit in China ?

A.Two . B.Three . C.Four .

16.How will Robertson go to Xi’ an ?

A.By plane . B.By train . C.By car .

17.Where was Robertson born ?

A.Australia . B.England . C.China .


18.Who is the speaker ?

A.A policeman . B.David’s neighbor . C.David’s friend .

19.What can you learn from the story ?

A.The speaker lost the key to the door .

B.The speaker forgot to feed the birds .

C.David’s neighbor has fed the birds .

20.What do you think of the speaker ?

A.Honest . B.Careful . C.Humorous .

第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)



21.The salesman said that thief was a young man with brown hair .

A.the; a B.the ; 不填 C.a; 不填 D.a ; a

22.Nowadays , people usually think if you enter a key university , you are your parents’ .

A.pride B.luck C.value D.cheer

23.When Edison invented the light bulb , he tried over 2000 experiments he got it to work .

A.as B.after C.when D.before

24.The public transportation is very convenient in that big city , so there be any difficulty in traveling around .

A.mustn’t B.wouldn’t C.shouldn’t D.needn’t

25.It is reported that the 2006 FIFA World Cup on June 9 in Germany .

A.would hold B.will be held C.is going to hold D.is being held

26.—What is the meaning of the saying “Whenever you fall , pick something up ?”

—It tells us to hope even when coming across failure ; try to learn something valuable from it .

A.look for B.call for C.take up D.give up

27.—Everyone was at the party except you . What happened ?

—I after Mike , my pet dog , at home . He was ill .

A.have looked B.was looking C.would look D.had looked

28.His mother worried that he spent too much time on the computer and not enough time .

A.to study B.study C.studied D.studying

29.I was shocked by the news , which made me realize terrible problems we would face .

A.how B.which C.what D.that

30.Taiwan-born filmmaker Ang Lee won the best director Oscar at the 78th Academy Awards ,

the highest honor in American movie fields .

A.to consider B.considering C.consider D.considered

31.—Tom has hurt his leg .

—Really ?

A.Who did that B.What’s wrong with him

C.How did that happen D.Why was he so careless

32.Today’s basketball match as one of the most exciting matches that these two teams have ever played .

A.regards B.ranks C.treats D.thinks

33.Ebay , Amazon and Wal-Mart are popular websites people can sell goods to each other .

A.where B.which C.when D.whose

34.He is always helping people without expecting anything .

A.in need B.in fact C.in danger D.in return

35.With ticket prices rising , TV over as the typical way of watching a game for the young and old .

A.has taken B.had taken C.was taken D.is taken

第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


In Glasgow , Scotland , a young lady, like a lot of teens today , got tired of home . The daughter objected to her family’s 36 lifestyle and said , “I don’t want your God . I am leaving !”

She left home .Before long , she was disappointed and unable to find a job , so she took to the streets to do everything she could to 37 . Many years passed by , her father died , her mother grew 38 , and the daughter became more and more entrenched (固执) in her way of life .

No contact was made between mother and daughter during these years . The mother , having 39 her daughter’s whereabouts , went to the poor part of the city in 40 of her daughter . She stopped at each of the rescue missions with a simple 41 . “Would you allow me to 42 this picture ?” It was a picture of the smiling , gray-haired mother with a handwritten 43 at the bottom : “I love you still…come home !”

One day the daughter wandered into a rescue mission for a hot meal . She sat 44 listening to the service , all the while letting her 45 wander over to the bulletin board . There she saw the picture and thought , could that be my mother ?

She couldn’t 46 until the service was over . She stood and went to look .It was her mother , and there were those words , “I love you still…come home !” 47 she stood in front of the picture , she wept . It was too 48 to be true .

It was night , but she was so 49 by the message that she started walking home . 50 the time she arrived it was early in the morning . She was afraid and 51 her way timidly . As she knocked , the door 52 open on its own . She thought someone must have broken into the house . Concerned for her mother’s 53 , the young woman ran to the bedroom and shook her mother awake and said, “It’s me ! It’s me ! I’m home!”

The mother couldn’t believe her eyes . They fell into each other’s arms . The daughter said , “I was so worried and 54 someone had broken in.” The mother replied gently , “No, dear . From the day you left , that door has never been 55 .”

36.A.modern B.religious C.awful D.simple

37.A.earn money B.help others C.get from D.become famous

38.A.lonelier B.slower C.elder D.older

39.A.told about B.heard of C.learned from D.talked to

40.A.sight B.charge C.search D.need

41.A.request B.remark C.question D.speech

42.A.print out B.look at C.send off D.put up

43.A.record B.advice C.message D.notice

44.A.sensitively B.absent-mindedly C.devotedly D.carefully

45.A.eyes B.hands C.thoughts D.imaginations

46.A.help B.move C.wait D.listen

47.A.After B.Since C.Until D.As

48.A.lucky B.good C.happy D.certain

49.A.astonished B.touched C.interested D.ashamed

50.A.By B.At C.During D.Before

51.A.had B.led C.made D.held

52.A.seemed B.blew C.proved D.flew

53.A.safety B.health C.danger D.life

54.A.observed B.realized C.found D.thought

55.A.pushed B.opened C.locked D.fixed




For twenty or thirty years Ernest Faber had owned cars of different sorts , and had driven them regularly , not only in England, but also in many countries of Europe and the Middle East . He was glad to think that he was an experienced driver , because he heard frequent complaints about the difficulties of passing the driving tests in these modern days . He was told that people tried unsuccessfully to pass the test five , seven , or even thirteen times . He heard of one man who failed the test , did no driving at all for a month , and then passed the next test without difficulty . One woman said that she failed several times in one part of the country . And so she went to another town and immediately passed . Faber was not sure whether to believe such stories or not .But he began to think that the results of the tests were frequently unreasonable .

Although it did not affect him in the least , Faber grew angry about all this . He decided to take the test himself . He was an excellent driver ;and if he failed , that would prove that his doubts about the examiners were correct . And then he would write to the newspapers to tell everyone what happened .

About two months later the following letter appeared in one of the leading papers of England : “Dear sir .

During the last twenty-seven years I have driven cars thousands of miles in thirteen different countries in all sorts of weather , and have never had an accident . I have never damaged anything belonging to anybody , and I have never seen the inside of a court of justice . I can take a motor-car engine to pieces and put it together again , and I have given driving lessons to men and women who have later passed the test . No policeman has ever said a sharp word to me . I am not a stupid person , and I have two university degrees .

For some time , I have felt doubtful about the driving test held in this country , because their results often seem unreasonable . I therefore decided that the time had come to test the examiners themselves . If anyone can drive a car , I can . I therefore paid the pound and sent my application in . It is unnecessary to tell you that I did not mention my great experience , my unusual ability as a driver , or my wide and exact knowledge of cars .

The day of the test came .

I very much regret to inform you that I passed .

Yours Faithfully

Ernest Faber”

56.Faber’s driving experience made him .

A.surprised B.satisfied C.destroyed D.troubled

57.It was said that the driving tests in different parts of the country were .

A.not equally difficult B.getting more and more difficult

C.intended to discourage women from driving D.intended to discourage people from owning cars

58.When Faber decided to take the test , .

A.he knew that he could do it free of charge B.he expected to get a driver’s license

C.he wondered if he was an excellent driver D.he thought even he himself might fail the test

59.The letter tells us that the driving test is .

A.difficult B.unfair C.reasonable D.unbelievable


Imagine that you are on a jury (陪审团) and you hear the testimony of an eyewitness who says that the accused person is guilty . You would probably vote to convict the accused, don’t you think ? Well, more often than not , you’d be wrong .

A few years ago , an experiment was done on an evening news show on WNBC in New York .Viewers were shown a film of what seemed to be a mugging . In this simulation (模拟),a man snatched a woman’s purse . He then knocked her down and ran face forward at the camera so that the viewers got a good look at him . Viewers were then shown a lineup of six men . They were asked to decide if the mugger was in the lineup and , if so , to tell which one he was . In effect , then, they had seven choices . The suspect (嫌疑犯) was either one of the six or he wasn’t even in the lineup .

Of the 2,145 people who called up to respond , 1,843 were wrong . That means about one in seven was right . This is what you’d expect from random choice .

Eyewitness accounts can be the most convincing evidence presented to a jury . Yet we are finding out that such accounts can be faulty . Something is just wrong . Why is this so ? Recent findings have removed doubts on whether memory can last long .We also know that it can be changed by things such as leading questions . Mistaken eyewitness accounts are common . They are also the major cause of innocent (无罪的) person being convicted in the United States .

60.The underlined words “to convict the accused” probably means .

A.to show that the accused is wrong B.to express that the accused person is true

C.to declare that the accused person is guilty D.to explain that the eyewitness is dangerous

61.Of the people who called up to respond , .

A.half of them were right B.2,145 were on a jury

C.six out of seven were wrong D.1,843 made seven choices

62.We also know that can be changed .

A.evidence B.memory C.eyewitness D.accounts

63.What is the passage mainly about ?

A.Evidence should be more convincing . B.Eyewitness accounts can be wrong.

C.Not all judges are good at their jobs . D.Major causes of innocent persons being convicted.


When you are advised to “get an education” if you want to raise your income , you are only told half the truth . What you should be told is to get just enough education to provide manpower for your society , but not too much education that would prove an embarrassment (窘迫) to your society .

Get a high school diploma (文凭), at least . Without that, you are occupationally dead , unless your name happens to be George Bernard Shaw or Thomas Alva Edison and you can successfully drop out in grade school .

Get a college degree , if possible . With a BA, you are on the launching pad . But now you have to start to put on the brakes . If you go for a master’s degree , make sure it’s an MBA, and only from a first-rate university . Beyond this ,the famous law of diminishing returns (报酬递减规律性)begins to take effect . Do you know , for instance , that heavy truck drivers earn more a year than full professors ? Yes , the average 1977 salary for those truckers was $ 24,000, while the full professor managed to average just $ 23,930.

A Ph. D is the highest degree you can get , but except in a few specialized fields such as physics or chemistry , where the degree can quickly be turned to industrial or commercial purposes , you are facing a dark future . There are more Ph. Ds unemployed or underemployed in this country than in any other part of the world by far .

If you become a doctor of Philosophy in English or History or Anthropology or Political Science or language or-worst of all-in Philosophy , you run the risk of becoming overeducated for our national demands .

Thousands of Ph. Ds are selling shoes , driving cabs , waiting on tables and filling out fruitless applications month after month . And then maybe taking a job in some high school or backwater (死气沉沉) college that pays much less than the janitor (门卫) earns .

Income and education are closely related . Far enough ,that is , to make you useful to the gross national product , but not so far that nobody can turn much of a profit on you .

64.According to the writer , what the society expects of education is to turn out people who .

A.will become loyal citizens to a nation B.can always take good care of themselves

C.will not be a shame to society or their families D.can meet the demands as a source of manpower

65.If you are as gifted as Bernard Shaw or Edison .

A.you can get a high school diploma without difficult

B.you can be professionally successful without a diploma

C.the least you should do is to get a diploma

D.you will be successful in grade school

66.Many Ph. Ds are out of work because .

A.they are of little commercial value to the society

B.they prefer easy jobs with more money

C.they are fewer jobs in high schools

D.they are wrongly educated

67.According to the passage , which of the following is NOT true ?

A.The higher your education level is , the more money you’ll earn .

B.If you are too well-educated , you may make things difficult for the society

C.One must think carefully before going for a master’s degree .

D.Bernard Shaw didn’t finish high school, nor did Edison .




“We don’t necessarily believe that new advertising , which might make consumers fell better about the Coke brand or better about the ads themselves , will actually result in consumers consuming more of the product,” Morgan Stanley’s Bill Pecoriello wrote in a research note the days after the investor ( 投资者) meeting . But Coke is optimistic it can regain its old magic , and is banking on a new slogan : “Welcome to the Coke side of life.”


With PepsiCo about to surpass Coke as the beverage king on Wall Street—Pepsi’s market capitalization has soared in recent years to $97.9 billion, putting it less than a billion dollars behind its rival (对手) —the heat is on Coke . It’s set to launch a new marketing campaign in March , 2006. And having taken a quick look at Coke’s investor presentation on Dec. 7 in New York , my sense is that Coke may be moving in the right direction .

Given the continued shift by consumers away from soda—Coke’s stronghold —and into alternative beverages like juice , tea , and water , Coke badly needs a breakthrough hit . And given that shift away from soda , some analysts wonder whether even the catchiest new ads will be enough to put the fizz back into Coke .


The new flavors (口味) of PowerAde sports drink will probably enable Coke to continue stealing market share from PesiCo’s Gatorade brand . And Coke is getting a little more creative with packaging , including new , aluminum bottles of Coke that will be sold in nightclubs , and an 8.4-ounce “100 calorie” version of its flagship Coke that will appeal to women who want fewer calories and will like the fact that the small can will fit in their purse . I doubt whether other new products will be successful , including a new coffee-flavored soda called Coke-Cola Blak that I tried . Think carbonated coffee . But I’m not sure if the product , which Coke is pitching as an afternoon pick-me-up for the 35-and-over set , is going to pull people away from their afternoon Frappucino fix . And my opinion is that Vault , an orange-flavored energy drink , will have just as much trouble unseating Mountain Dew among teens as did Coke’s last attempt , a product called Surge .

If there is one concern I have about the fresh offerings Coke plans to launch this year , it appears that many of them are simply new brands , not new products .

68.According to the passage , we can know that .

A.Coke mainly depends on new products recently

B.Nowadays Coke is comparatively less popular

C.PesiCo has taken the place of Coke

D.Coke has few new brands

69.The underlined word “soared” means .

A.achieved B.dropped C.increased D.failed

70.When the middle-aged people feel tired , what would they prefer to drink in order to continue their work ?

A.Vault. B.Surge. C.Coke-Cola Blak. D.Frappucino.

71.What is the best title of the passage ?

A.Troubles in Coke Company B.Varieties of New Products

C.The Importance of New Advertisements D.The Relationship Between Coke and Pepsi


72.George Best used to be a .

A.writer B.politician C.British scientist D.football player

73.According to the article , whom was the literature award named after ?

A.Sergio Pitol . B.Don Quixote . C.The Jury . D.Miguel de Cervantes .

74.Most probably you can read these in a ?

A.newspaper B.novel C.fairytale D.textbook

75.Which of the following is true ?

A.Ellen Sirleaf became the first elected woman president .

B.Hwang Woo-suk has quit all the official positions .

C.George Best passed away because of his hardwork .

D.Sergio Pitol has won an award for English literature .



第一节 情景作文(满分20分)





March 14, 2006 Sunny

It was a special day because I took the Final P. E. Test for Senior Three students .


第二节 开放作文(满分15分)


The entrance examination is coming . Your parents are trying their best to help you as the picture shows . You are telling your best friend what you feel about it .




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