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第I卷 (选择题 共115分)




1. How often did the man play golf before?

A. Every day. B. Once a week C. Once a month

2. What did the woman get in the contest?

A. A camera. B. An MP3. C. A gold medal.

3. How did the man probably go to the seaside?

A. By train. B. By car. C. By bike.

4. When does the man probably leave home?

A. About 6:00. B. About 7:00. C. About 6:40.

5. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In an office. B. At home. C. In a shop.

第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5 分)

听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白有5个小题,从题中所给的A.B.C.三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的时间作答。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6. What kind of toppings would the man like on his pizza?

A. Sausage and mushrooms.

B. Ham and pineapple.

C. Bacon and tomatoes.

7. Where does John Smith live?

A. At 533 Rosewood Avenue.

B. At 876 Rosewood Avenue.

C. At 345 Rosewood Avenue.

8. What time is it now?

A. 4:30 pm. B. 4:45 pm. C. 5:15 pm.


9. Why doesn’t the woman want the film Star Wars?

A. Because it shows people doing crazy things.

B. Because she has seen it many times.

C. Because she doesn’t like action films.

10. What program does the man watch at last?

A. A reality show. B. An action film. C. A basketball geme.

11. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The man will go to bed.

B. The woman will go to bed.

C. They will watch TV together.


12. Where is the man now?

A. At the emergency center.

B. On the Lincoln Expressway.

C. At the McDonald’s.

13. What happened to the man?

A. He had a traffic accident.

B. He lost his way.

C. His passenger has had a heart attack.

14. How did the woman deal with the matter?

A. She sent an ambulance to the man’s location.

B. She told the man to ask for help from others.

C. She sent a person to repair the man’s car quickly.


15. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A. Good friends. B. Wife and husband. C. Passenger and driver.

16. Where are they going?

A. The man’s home. B. Seattle. C. Maria’s home.

17. When will the party begin?

A. At 6:00 pm. B. At 5:00 pm. C. After lunch.


18. What did people wear before they knew how to make thread?

A. Clothes made of leaves.

B. Clothes made of tree bark.

C. Clothes made of animal skins.

19. Who didn’t wear shoes, but socks with patterns?

A. Persian women and men.

B. Roman children.

C. People from Brazil.

20. What do we know about women from Brazil?

A. They liked to wear much jewellery.

B. They liked to make their hair up in a net.

C. They liked to wear colored socks.

第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题:每个题1分,满分15分)

从A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

21. --- Do you know Nancy’s address?

--- ______. In fact, I don’t know any Nancy, either.

A. I’d rather not B. I hope so C. I think so D. I’m afraid not

22. Not until the car looked almost new _______ repairing and cleaning it.

A. he stopped B. stopped he C. did he stop D. he did stop

23. It is rather difficult to make friends with him, but his friendship, ______, is more true than any other’s.

A. while gaining B. when to gain C. after gaining D. once gained

24. How long is it _______ we last spent the holiday in the country together?

A. since B. before C. until D. as

25. _______ is known that Tom wants to visit _____ they call “the paradise” some day if he can afford it.

A. As; that B. It; what C. It; where D. As; which

26. --- When did _____ accident happen?

--- Let me see. It was on ______ very hot afternoon in August.

A. the; the B. an; / C. the; a D. an; the

27. --- I reminded you not to forget the appointment.

--- ________. But I did forget.

A. So you did B. So did you C. So do I D. So I did

28. There is no denying that as one grows older, one’s memory ______.

A. lessens B. slips C. declines D. decreases

29. Feeling very ____, he felt ______ he should take some actions.

A. angry; strong B. angrily; strong C. angry; strongly D. angrily; strongly

30. Don’t destroy your ____ by eating between meals.

A. appetite B. desire C. concern D. approach

31. When she was most in need of others’ care and comfort, her husband, to whom she was so ____, went away from her.

A. contributed B. begged C. adjusted D. devoted

32. I’m sorry, it’s _____ my power to make a final decision on the project.

A. beyond B. over C. above D. off

33. The article opens and closes with two jokes, each _____ the readers laugh.

A. makes B. made C. making D. is to make

34. Can you turn off the music? It isn’t ________.

A. green with envy B. my cup of tea C. tasty D. desperate

35. You can’t legally _____ the property until three weeks after the agreement is signed.

A. hold on to B. catch hold of C. take possession of D. adapt to

第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分;满分30分)


I was a single parent with my son. Two jobs allowed me an apartment, food, and child care payment. Little money was left over for clothes, _36 I kept us nicely dressed. Loving _37 _ , I bought for myself beautiful reds and oranges, and greens and pinks. And quite often I wore them in mixtures, which, against the usually correct way, brought 38 to the eyes of people who could not avoid 39 me.

I went to my son’s 40 frequently. And he would always come and greet me and my colorful clothes. 41 , when my son was six, he told me _42_ that he had to talk to me.

“Mother, do you have any sweaters that 43 ?”

I said, “No, I don’t.”

“Oh, I wish you did, 44 you could wear them to my school.” Then he continued, “Mother, could you please 45 come to school when they call you?” Then I realized that my dress was a(n) 46 to him.

I learned to be a little more careful to 47 causing him displeasure. As he grew older and more confident, I gradually 48 to my particular way of dressing. I was happier when I chose and created my own 49 .

I have lived in this body all my life and know it much 50 than any fashion designer, I think I know what looks good 51 me.

52 is important to mention because many people are imprisoned(禁锢)by powerful principles on the 53 way of dressing. Those decisions made by 54 _ are not truly meant to make your life better. Seek the fashion which truly suits you. You will always be in fashion if you are 55 to yourself.

36. A. and B. but C. or D. because

37. A. shapes B. styles C. colors D. tastes

38. A. envy B. appreciation C. disappointment D. surprise

39. A. recognizing B. admiring C. accepting D. noticing

40. A. office B. home C. school D. lab

41. A. However B. Meanwhile C. Otherwise D. Therefore

42. A. proudly B. jokingly C. seriously D. curiously

43. A. cost B. work C. fit D. match

44. A. even if B. as if C. in case D. so that

45. A. only B. still C. once D. ever

46. A. wonder B. surprise C. embarrassment D. honor

47. A. practice B. remember C. mind D. avoid

48. A. turned B. returned C. escaped D. took

49. A. fashion B. sweater C. color D. tradition

50. A. worse B. better C. more D. less

51. A. in B. on C. with D. of

52. A. Dress B. Money C. Principle D. Designers

53. A. experienced B. proper C. formal D. simple

54. A. me B. yourself C. others D. ones

55. A. true B. serious C. practical D. false

第三部分:阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Editors/Designers Wanted

China Daily,a national English newspaper,is looking for English language senior editors/designers.

Senior Business Editor

You must:

● assist the Business editor in setting goals and working on achieving them;

● be an excellent team person who can come up with ideas and think creatively,be able to rewrite totally if needed and advise junior workers;

● be working or have worked in a leading position and understand what leadership means;

● have had at least five years’ editing experience and be familiar with industry software.

Business Copy-editor

You must:

● work on shifts(轮班)in the Business Desk and usually have the last word before the page is sent to print;

● edit or rewrite copy and give brief headlines and captions(说明文字);

● have had at least two years’ editing experience and be familiar with industry software.


You must:

● be good at editing or rewriting copy and writing brief headlines and captions;

● be able to work on shifts for different pages, and usually have the last word before the page is sent to print;

● have two years of editing experience and be familiar with industry software.

Senior Graphic Designer

Yon must:

● have excellent skills in information graphics;

● be good with illustrations(插图)and freehand drawings;

● be experienced in newspaper or magazine designs;

● have a good sense of typography(排版);

● have good news judgment.

If hired,you will be offered a competitive salary package,a room with furniture paid for,90 percent medical reimbursement(补偿),seven days of paid leave,11 public holidays and a return ticket to your native land.

56.If you are employed by the China Daily newspaper group,you can .

A.have eleven days of paid leave

B.get a return ticket to your home country

C.stay in any hotel without paying for it

D.enjoy free medical service in China

57.To be familiar with industry software is required in of the jobs provided.

A.one B.two C.three D.four

58.To be a ,you have to have at least five years’ editing experience.

A.Business Copy-editor B.Senior Business Editor

C.Copy-editor D.Senior Graphic Designer

59.According to the advertisement is a must for all the four jobs.

A. a good sense of typography B.two years’ editing experience

C.working on shifts D.knowing English well


Several years ago, my parents, my wife, my son and I ate at a restaurant. After a wonderful dinner, the waiter set the check in the middle of the table. That’s when it happened: my father did not reach for the check. Conversation continued. Finally I realized that I should pick up the check! After hundreds of restaurant meals with my parents, after a lifetime of thinking of my father as the one with dollars, it had all changed. I paid the meal, and my view of myself suddenly changed. I was an adult. I was no longer a kid.

Some people mark off(区分)their lives in years, I measure mine in small events. I didn’t become a young man at a particular age, like 16, but rather when a kid who wandered in the streets called me “mister.” These events in my life are called “milestones”(里程碑).

There have been other milestones .The policemen of my youth always seemed huge, and of course they were older than I was. Then one day they were suddenly neither. The day came when I suddenly realized that all the football players in the game I was watching were younger than I was. They were just big kids. With that milestone gone was the dream that someday, maybe I, too, could be a football player. Without ever having reached the hill ,I was over it.

I never thought that I would fall asleep in front of the TV set as my father did. Now it’s what I do best. I never thought that I would appreciate opera, but now the combination of voice and orchestra(乐队)attracts me. I used to think that people who watched birds were strange, but this summer I found myself watching them, and maybe I’ll get a book on the subject. I feel a strong desire for a religious belief that I never thought I’d want, and echo (模仿) my father in arguments with my son. I still lose …

One day I bought a house. One day —what a day!— I became a father, and not too long after that I picked up the check for my own father. I thought then it was a milestone for me. One day, when I was a little older, I realized it was one for him too, another milestone.

60. The tone established in the passage is one of .

A. sad regret B. amusement C. deep feeling D. happiness

61. “Then they were suddenly neither .” suggests that .

A. suddenly I found myself no longer a kid.

B. suddenly I knew that they were neither bigger nor older than I was.

C. suddenly I realized that I made a mistake.

D. suddenly they became older than I was.

62. Which of the following best expresses the author’s thinking ?

A. One day is worth two tomorrows.

B. To save time is to lengthen life.

C. When an opportunity is lost ,it never comes back to you .

D. Time and tide wait for no man .


In many societies, there is often greater acceptance of light skin than dark skin. Light skin may be seen as a mark of beauty, intelligence and success. These beliefs can lead to social pressure even within the same racial or ethnic group.

The result is that skin lightening has become a common activity across Africa, Asia and other areas of the world. More and more people with dark skin are using skin-lightening products, even if they may face health risks.

They believe that having whiter skin will improve their lives. Many people think they will have a better chance of getting a job or marrying into a better family. Or they want to look like what their society generally considers beautiful.

Some beauty care products and soaps contain chemicals that make skin lighter. This process is also called bleaching. But some of the chemicals are extremely dangerous. One of the most dangerous is hydroquinone(对苯二酚).

Hydroquinone has been banned in several countries. This chemical has been linked to kidney damage and some kinds of cancer. It also causes low birth weight in babies when mothers use it during pregnancy.

At first, bleaching products make the skin color lighter. But after long-term use they can cause problems. They can even make some skin darker. The chemicals in the products block and break down the natural process that gives color to skin. The skin loses its natural barrier to protect against sunlight. Then the skin can become thick and discolored. Usually the person will use more of the product in an effort to correct the problem, but this only makes it worse.

Fatimata Ly treats skin conditions in the Senegalese capital. Dakar. Doctor Ly says skin bleaching has become a problem throughout Senegal. She says the chemicals are now more dangerous because they are stronger. Some cases have resulted in blackened fingernails, infections and permanent skin damage.

And these are not the only risks. Experts say some people who change their skin color suffer emotional damage. They feel regret and sadness. They feel that instead of risking their health, they should have learned to love and accept their skin color as it was.

63. Why has the skin lightening become a common activity all over the world?

A.There are many products that can make the dark skin light.

B.Relatively speaking, light skin has more advantages over dark skin

C.Many people with dark skin have no confidence.

D.People with dark skin are forced by the pressure of their families.

64.Which of the following words can replace the underlined word “bleaching” ?

A.whitening B.changing C.lighting D.pleasing

65.According to the text the following are the risks using the bleaching products EXCEPT______.

A.blackened fingernails B.permanent skin damage

C.a waste of time and money D.emotional damage

66. From the text we can conclude the writer’s attitude toward using the bleaching products probably is ___________.

A.supportive B.positive C.doubtful D.negative


When Chato’s barking didn’t wake up Jerrica Seals, the recently adopted dog tried nibbling (轻咬) on the teenager’s leg, to get the girl out of her burning house.

No one was hurt. Fort Myers firefighters responded at about 7 a.m.

Five people lived in the Garcia home. That was neighbor Janice Hamilton’s main concern when she looked out of her window and saw the flames. “I just threw my pants on to run outside and make sure they knew how many people lived there,” Hamilton said. “It was scary.”

“Seals called me screaming,” said Leticia Vega, 36, the sister of Seal’s boyfriend, Javier Garcia, 23, who owns the home. “She said the dog woke her up barking, jumped on the bed and bit her on the leg.”

It is said that Garcia’s brother brought Chato home several weeks ago after the animal wandered onto a construction site. Since then, Vega said, Chato had been mostly quiet — until it mattered. “He doesn’t usually bark.” Vega said. “He’s really friendly.”

According to deputy fire chief Steve Clyatt, possibly the fire started because of an inadequate extension cord (绳索) used on a window air conditioner. More than half of the home was burned down. There was extensive smoke and water damage in the remainder of the structure. Estimates (估算) for repair costs were unavailable. “I’d say it’s unlikely they will recover this.” Clyatt said.

67. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. Dogs Saves Teen Girl From House Fire

B. Firefighters Put Out House Fire

C. Janice Hamilton Helps Save Neighbors

D. Family Needs Help Due To House Fire

68. By saying “I’d say it’s unlikely they will recover this.” in the last paragraph, Clyatt means _________.

A. it’s a wonder that Seals survived the fire

B. such a bad fire was seldom seen

C. the house was badly damaged

D. Chato is a very clever dog

69. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned?

A. The owner of the house.

B. The possible cause of the accident.

C. The relationship between Seals and Garcia.

D. The person who called the firefighters.

70. The underlined word “they” in the second paragraph most probably refers to


A. the firefighters B. Hamilton family members

C. Vega and her brother Garcia D. other neighbors

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Jaime, Bradley, Carrie, Josh和Alan每人根据自己的职业作答了一份关于Robot的调查问卷,第71至75题是他们的职业介绍。阅读下面七项信息(A、B、C、D、E、F和G),选出与他们职业匹配的最佳选项,并标在答题纸的相应位置上, 选项中有两项是多余选项。

71. _______ Carrie is a young man who has a job in a city construction company. He is afraid of climbing up ladders and carrying the iron bars and concrete onto higher places.

72. _______ Jaime is a professor in the field of biochemistry. He is worried about his health situation as he keeps so close to harmful elements year in and year out.

73. _______ Bradley works in the International Ocean Security Association. He is sad to think of the fact that there were so many people who couldn’t be saved at last in disasters.

74. _______ Alan is a worker in an auto factory. He is thinking of changing another job which is more interesting and creative.

75. _______ Josh is an administrator of the National Spaceflight Bureau, which is short of qualified pilots at the moment.


I suppose robots could be used as dust people during night time, as they don’t need to sleep and they are comparatively safe in polluted environment.


I suppose small remote control robots could be used as sea rescuing workers to search through wreckage(打捞)in a disaster looking for people in the sea. Bomb defusers(扫雷管)are now robots reducing the risk of losing a life.


I suppose robots could be used to do jobs that are dangerous, as they can lift heavy objects, paint, handle chemicals, and perform the same job hour after hour, day after day without stop.


I suppose robots could be used as chemical researchers. At least they can help us carry harmful chemicals in a chemical plant or help to go into small areas inaccessible to us. It can be used to examine the inside of a nuclear reactor(核反应堆).


I suppose robots could be astronauts and they could travel very far away, like Pluto. If they can, we don’t need to especially train human beings to be astronauts as it costs quite a lot and it also takes many years to make a professional astronaut.


I suppose robots could be used as car assembly(装配)workers, in parts of a car building line. Assembly lines make the process move faster, get more work done and cost less. But the job is so mechanical and boring.


I suppose robots can do such dangerous jobs as sky-scraper builders that would be safer for human beings. If injured or broken, they can be fixed easily. They can also work in unfavorable conditions such as dark, extreme heat, extreme cold etc.

第II卷 (非选择题,满分35分)


第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Before I went to senior middle school, some people told me, " Life of senior middle school is unforgettable." While I first entered my senior middle school, everything seemed pleasant.

Face all the strange things around me, I often miss my old friends and classmates. I didn't want to talk others or make friends with others. Little by little, my school record went from badly to worse, especially my maths. I couldn't even pass the exam. I lost the heart but missed the happy hours all day long. I told me, "I don't belong to it. I don't like the life here."

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

实现有效的沟通,建立良好的人际关系,不仅要善于言表、更要学会倾听。请你根据下表中所提供的信息,写一篇为“Being a Good Listener”的英文演讲稿。

1. 为何倾听: 表示尊重,增进理解,建立良好的人际关系

2. 谁来倾听:




3. 敞开心扉去倾听别人,关注别人,可以开拓自己的视野,使人与人的心离的更近。



Good afternoon, everyone!

The topic of my speech today is“Being a Good Listener”._____________



Thank you for your listening


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