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牛津译林版英语高三上册unit1说课稿模板:Getting along with others



(2)cannot help doing 禁不住做某事 cannot help ( to) do 不能帮助做某事

He often can’t help       the happy life when he was a child.

A. to look back on    B. look back upon

C. looking back upon    D. looking back

14. …, one of you has to be the first to admit that it was a mistake.

-The last one      pays the meal.


A. arrived  B. arrives   C. to arrive   D. .arriving

Word power -task

15.  doubt

(1. )1)I don’t doubt  that    he can finish the task on time.

2)I doubt  whether/if     they can swim across the river.

3)  Do you doubt ___that____ she will succeed?

4)  There is some doubt__whether/if____he will keep her word.

5)  There is no doubt  that     I will win.

(2).  There is no need   to say       (say) it again.

It is no need    saying       (say) it again.

16.stand 忍受

1)She can’t stand     being kept          (keep) waiting.

2)We can’t stand the hot weather.=We can’t   bear      the hot weather.

=We can’t  put  up  with the hot weather.

3) stand for    代表,主张   stand out   突出,杰出

stand behind sb.  支持            stand by  支持;袖手旁观:

stand against反对                 stand on one’s feet 自立

17.get through1)做完,结束2)通过3)看完,用完4)(电话)接通

1). I called him, but I couldn’t get through to him.             4

2). They have all got through the exam.           2

3). I must get through the book before Saturday.        3

4). We wish to get through all the thing quickly.        1


18..hesitate  vi. 踌躇;犹豫;迟疑 hesitation n.犹豫

I succeeded because I willed it; I never hesitated.  ---- Napoleon

我成功是因为我有决心,从不踌躇。 ---- 拿破仑

(1)If you need any help, please don’t hesitate   to ask      (ask).

(2) She agreed  without  hesitation. 她毫不犹豫地同意了。

19.mean   v.  P   meant        PP.  meant

(1) I mean  to help       (help) you, but I am quite busy.

(2) Missing the bus means  waiting     (wait) for an hour.

(3) This plan is meant for protecting our environment   (旨在保护我们的环境).

(4)Every possible means_ has been used   _ (use) to prevent air pollution, but the sky is still not clear.

(5) All possible means_ have been used   _ (use) to prevent air pollution, but the sky is still not clear.

20. respond vi. n.   response            adj.   responsible

响应,回答,对…做出反应   respond to  / in response to

以微笑作为回答    respond with a smile

对…做出很快的反应  make a quick response to

对…负责  be responsible for


When I said hello to him, he responded with a smile.


Rats will make a quick response to danger.

21. A boy is likely to be cautious about sharing his feelings with his close friends.


He is likely to succeed.

It is likely/possible that he will succeed.

22. When asked , they usually hesitate before responding, …=When they  are asked, they…


1) People often shake hands when   introduced      (introduce) to each other.

2) The mother told her children not to talk while   eating      (eat).

3) She advised me not to say anything until    asked     (ask)

4) If   bitten     (bite) by a snake, you should send for help and not walk.

5) Once  seen      (see), it can never be forgotten.

6) When  shot      (shoot) in the leg, he continued to fire back with his gun.

23. The qualities that boys and girls consider important in a friend seem to be the same, regardless of the basis of these friendships.

(1) He continued speaking ,     regardless of            my feeling on the matter.


(2) The boy does what he wants, though the teacher tells him what to do.

=The boy does what he wants,  regardless of what  the teacher tells him.

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