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牛津译林版英语高三上册unit1说课稿模板:Getting along with others



(a)According to my experience, he must have stayed up late last night.他昨晚一定熬夜了。

(b) She     have left school, for her bike is still here.

A. can’t     B. wouldn’t    C. shouldn’t    D. mustn’t

(c) My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who ______ have taken it?

A. should                      B. must                        C. could                       D. shall

(d) -I can’t find my purse anywhere. –You     have lost it while shopping.

A. can   B. may   C. should     D. would

(2)现在分词 saying…在句中做状语,表示伴随情况,后接两个由how引导的并列并列宾语从句。

He sat at his desk,   crying       (cry).

They went out,   laughing     (laugh) and  talking      (talk).

He was lying on his bed,    lost    (lose) in thought.

He left his hometown,  determined       (determine) never to come back again.

(3) be sure to do

Play as well as we can, and we are sure to beat them.尽力踢好,我们肯定会击败他们。

She’s sure of success. 她确信她将成功。

Be sure to arrive on time next time. 下次你务必要准时到达。

8. swear vt./vi. 发誓,许诺;咒骂 P.  swore      P.P.   sworn

swear that .../swear to do sth发誓做某事


He swore that he would study hard. = He swore to study hard.

9. I don’t think I can ever truly forgive her. 我想我永远不能原谅她。

(1) I don’t think you can forgive him,   can        you   ?

(2) I don’t believe he is our friend,   is       he   ?

(3) He doesn’t think you are right,  does        he     ?

10. forgive  vt. 原谅;宽恕 P.  forgave     P.P.   forgiven

forgive sb.  原谅某人

forgive sb. sth./ forgive sb. for doing sth.原谅某人某事

1) 你能原谅我的过错么?Could you forgive me my fault?

2) 学生来晚了,老师原谅了他。

The teacher forgave the student for his coming late.


as a (the) result of …    由于……的结果   as a result      结果

result from       由……导致          result in     导致

e.g. He ate some bad watermelon. _As a result____________, he felt ill.

__As a result of ____________his carelessness, he hurt himself.


because of, due to , owing to , thanks to , as a result of

12. ……football is very important to me, but so is our friendship.

So/neither/nor + be动词/情态动词/助动词+主语

1) If she goes there,   so will I           我也去.

2) If Joe’s wife won’t go to the party,              .

A. he will neither    B.  neither will he

C. he neither will    D. either he will

3) I like English but I am not good at it.  It’s the same with Mary . 玛丽也是这样.

4) –They have finished their homework.

-   So they did         . 他们确实如此。

13. Yesterday, I saw him talking to another boy, Peter, and I cannot help wondering if he wants Peter to be his best friend instead of me.

(1) see sb. doing

1)He   was seen to enter     the room last night. 他昨晚被看到进入了这个房间。

2)The missing boys were last seen       near the river.

A. playing  B. played   C. play   D. to play


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