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高二英语下册Unit2说课稿:Working the Land



随着中国逐渐走进国际化,使用英语的范围也越来越广,现在在日常的生活中许多地方都用得到英语。威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了高二英语下册Unit2说课稿,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。

Good morning, my honored judges! It’s really my pleasure to interpret my lesson here today. The lesson plan I am going to talk about is from new senior English for China student’s Book 4 Unit2: working the land”(问候,切入主题). My plan mainly goes with the following three aspects:

1.What to teach (type of the lesson and analyze the material);

2.Why to teach ( three goals: language goals; skill goals; emotion goals);

3.How to teach( learning methods; teaching methods; teaching design).

Here comes the first part:

1 .What to teach

First, let me introduce the lesson to you :this is a typical integrated lesson. It combines reading speaking and writing together, which emphasizes on the cultivation of the integrated skills especially how to design a poster. Reading practice is the input of the knowledge, while speaking and writing are the output process. Thus, reading provides the information of the organic farming as an output, as a practice of sentence structures, speaking also offer  the help for the writing_ design a poster on the green food. In a word, this lesson goes from input to output of the language knowledge.

Then for the teaching material, let’s have a quick glimpse of it. It concludes three parts: content, key points, and difficult points. The content of this lesson is about the organic farming and organic food. The reading is about the organic farming, and the advantage organic farming and the farming with chemical fertilizers. And the speaking ask us to practice the sentence  structure of showing one’s opinion.  As for writing, students are asked to design a poster to persuade people to buy the expensive green food. And for those parts: the key points of this lesson are:

(1)Enable students to know the advantages of “green food” or food that is grown by organic farming methods

(2)Enable students to know the advantages of “green food” or food that is grown by organic farming methods

(3) Enable students to use some sentence structure to persuade others.

(4)Make students write the poster on the basis of reading and speaking practice.

And the difficulties maybe are :

1. How to design a good poster?

2.How to make use of reading and speaking efficiently

After knowing what to teach, then I want to tell you why to teach.

2.Why to teach?so for this aspect, I mainly show the three goals: they are language goals, skill goals and ability goals.

Knowledge Goals:

1). Know the advantages of “green food” or food that is grown by organic farming methods

2) master the basic expressions of showing one’s opinion.

3) learn how to design a poster

Skill  goals:

1). Practice skimming

2). Make a dialogue in a certain situation, using the correct expressions

3. Emotion goal: Love the earth and the environment.

Now. here comes the most important part:

3. How to teach:

If you want to have a good lesson,  designing  the class well is one point, But teach students how to learn also counts. Then in my lesson I try to

(1)Instruct students to skim, and speak out  to build a mode of “ read independently but communicate together”.

(2. )Instruct students to design a poster with the help of reading and speaking and remember the characteristic of poster.

And I will try many kind of teaching methods to make my class vivid so that students’ attention will be fixed on it tightly. So I will employ those teaching methods. For example

(1)Discussion(2)Task-Basic teaching(3)Situational practice(4)Activity

Then next I will present my teaching design:

First  is my whole thought of the design.:

1.Whole thought: The design of this lesson focuses on the writing of a poster, with the knowledge input of reading material and output practice orally by speaking. By creating kinds of situations and activities, I mean to help students to do “3E”--experience, explode and express ( both speaking and writing). Also I will instruct students to summarize the language knowledge and language structures to use them in the writing, so that they can wholly use the language naturally and efficiently.

2. Teaching  procedures:


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