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高二英语必修五说课稿(外研版):Animals in Danger



Teaching methods:

Practising, sorting and listening.

Teaching aids:

A computer, a projector and a tape-recorder.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Greeting and revision

T: There are more than ten English teachers attending to our class. Let’s welcome them. OK, class begins. Good morning!

Ss: Good morning!

Go through the teaching procedures, then make a revision by practicing the language focuses.

T: Last lesson, we have practiced how to get main information by “key words” on reading. Here are four short passages at the bottom of page 55. Please read them as quickly as you can, then match the description with the photos.

Half a minute later, check the answers and summary the means of getting main information by key words.

Step 2. Vocabulary

Guide the Ss to do Activities 1 and 3. Get them to guess the animals on the screen and sort them.

T: But who can tell us the differences between birds, insects, mammals and reptiles?

Show the exercises of Activity 1 on the screen and ask individual to do the answers.

S1: A bird has warm blood and lays eggs.

S2: An insect is a small animal with six legs. Some have wings.

S3: A reptiles has cold blood and lays eggs.

S4: A mammal is an animal which drinks its mother’s milk when it is young.

T: You are completely right! Now, please turn to Page 56 and do Activity 3 according to the instruction. I will show you some photos of animals. You should tell me their names and fill in the table.

Show some photos of animals on the screen and check whether the Ss tell their names rightly. Then, show one student’s answers on the screen to check with the whole class.

Step 3. Listening

T: Now, please look at the picture on the screen. What is the continent?

Ss: Africa.

T: Yes. Pay attention to the south. There is a nature reserve. What’s its name?

Ss: Tembe Elephant Reserve.

T: Well, just now, we have talked about some animals. If you were a volunteer there, which animals would you talk about? Why?

Ss: Elephant. Because the name of the reserve tells us. And the elephant is the most famous and useful animal in South Africa.

T: You are quite right. Now go through the questions on the screen. Try you best to get the useful information for listening, at the same time, you should focus on what information you have to get while listening. I’ll give you two minutes.

1.      What was William Norris?

2.      Where was he work in?

3.      How long was he there?

4.      How many elephants are there in the reserve?

5.      Which animals did he work with?

6.      How often did he see them?

7.      Does William think people can help animals in danger?

Two minutes later, Get the Ss to listen to the tape carefully and try to write down the “key words” for answering the questions.

T: Are you ready?

Ss: Yes.

T: Now, listen to the tape carefully and try to write down the “key words” for answering the questions.

Ss: OK.

T: Have you got the answers?

Ss: Yes.

T: Good! Who wants to tell us your answers?

S1: He was a volunteer.

S2: On the Theme Nature Reserve in South Africa.

S3: Only three months.

S4: About 250.

S5: Lions.

S6: Almost every night.

S7: Yes, he does.

T: Well done! Now listen again and complete the page from William’s diary in Activity 6.

Then check the answers and summery the skills of listening.

Step 4. Homework

Do pair works to describe an animal in Activity 3 after class. One describes an animal and the other tries to guess what it is. Then make a change.

Period Five

Step 1. Read the form and find out what animals they are.

Step 2. Read the form and ask and answer.

Talk about these animals and find more information.

Ss may do like this:

A: What kind of animal is the Siberian tiger?

B: It is the largest member of cat family.

A: Where can Siberian tigers be found?

B: It can be found in Siberia of Russia and parts of Northeast China.

Step 3. Cultural Corner – Prediction Look at the title and the pictures and predict the answers.

1. What does WWF stand for?

2. What kind of work does WWF do?

Step 4. Read the passage and answer the questions.

1. What’s the aim of the WWF when it was founded?

2. Does the organization always have the same focus of attention?

3. When did the WWF set up an office in Beijing?

Step 5. Read again and decide the following statements are True or False.

1. The WWF was founded in Switzerland in the year 1961.

2. Peter Scott was both a painter and a naturalist.

3. At present the organization has branches in 130 countries.

4. The WWF only pays attention to protecting wild animals in danger.

5. It was Dr George Shaller who set up an office of WWF in Beijing.

6. Saving the panda is one of the projects that the WWF is carrying out in China.

(Answers: 1—6 FTFFFT)

Step 6. Ask Ss to do the role-play and give an interview.

Four Ss a group to have an interview,  talking about how to save the endangered animals.

A: an official working for the branch of the WWF in China

B: a volunteer working for the WWF

C: a reporter from CRI

D: a reporter from CCTV

Step 7. Language points in cultural corner

Step 8. Homework

Write a passage of a certain kind of endangered animal, its description, habitat, numbers left and the way to save it must be included.




高二必修五英语说课稿:unit 4


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