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高二英语必修五说课稿(外研版):Animals in Danger




Teaching aims and demands:

1. Knowledge and Skills

(1) Ss will learn some information about the present situation of the wild animals and the effort made to protect the wild animals.

(2) Ss will learn to recognize the important reasons to protect the animals in danger and help them to realize that saving the wild animals is saving human beings.

(3) Help Ss to consolidate their reading skills like skimming and scanning for details.

2. Process and methodology

(1) Communicative approach

(2) Task-based strategy

(3) Cognitive strategy

3. Emotion, attitude and value

(1) Help Ss to sense the importance of saving the animals in danger and the necessity of protecting the earth.

(2) Help Ss learn how to realize the dream, how to call on more people to realize the importance of saving the animals in danger.

Difficult points:

1. Enable the Ss to talk about the current situation of wild animals.

2. Guide the Ss to summarize the main idea of each paragraph as well as the main idea of the text.

3. Help Ss learn what effort has been made to change the serious situation and what else should be done.

Teaching methods:

1. Task-based activities and fast reading skills for main ideas and details.

2. Discussions to improve Ss' reading comprehension of the passage.

3. Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching aids:

Computer, tape recorder, and blackboard and papers.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Greetings. Greet the whole class as usual.

Step 2. Warming up.

Begin with several pictures of dinosaurs, which will help the Ss to realize the topic of this module. And talk about several pictures with 2 questions:

1.        What do the giant panda and Siberian tiger have in common?

2.        What can we do to help them in their struggle for survival?

Step 3. Presentation

With the help of several pictures and a flash, let the students predict the text.

Step 4. Reading.

1. Fast reading: help the Ss get some general information of the passage.

A. Who is Jiesang Suonandajie?

B. Why do the poachers kill the antelopes?

2. Careful reading: Summarize the general idea of the whole passage.

Para. 1 Jiesang Suonandajie died when protecting antelopes.

Para. 2 The reason for the trade.

Para. 3 The process of the trade.

Para. 4 The result of the battle.

Para. 5 The present situation and the future of the battle.

3. Listen to the tape to catch specific information of the passage and ask the Ss to fill in the blanks.

The general idea of the text:

The reading gives a brief description of the current situation of antelopes. Realize the importance and urgency of protecting the wild animals. The struggle of protecting antelopes will last a long time and will call on more and more people to take part in it.

Step 5. Reading for details and comprehension.

Complete the table

2. Finish exercise2 on Page 52.

Step 6. Discussions: let the Ss realize the purpose of learning this passage, the importance of saving antelopes and the necessity of taking immediate measures. (a flash 藏羚羊的心愿 will help the Ss fully understand the topic.)

1. What do you learn from the text?

2. Why do we have to prevent the animals from dying out?

3. In your opinion, what should we Chinese people do to save the endangered Tibetan antelope?

Step 7. Collecting answers and making a summary

Step 8. Homework

Read the text and underline the difficult sentences.

Finish exercise 4 on Page53.

Period Two

Step 1. Language points in introduction:

1. Thanks to scientists’ hard work, the number of the pandas living in the wild has increased to about 1,590.

thanks to 多亏,由于  because of, as a result of,

e.g. Thanks to the firefighters, people were saved in the fire.

2. Every year thousands of wild animals and plants become extinct.

extinct    adj.  (生物等)已灭绝,已绝种的

This kind of elephant has been extinct for a long time.

3. …More than 12,000 animal species are now in danger.

in danger   在危险中,濒危

e.g. This kind of tiger is in danger.

He is in great danger of failing the entrance examination.

Step 2. Language points in reading:

4. On a freezing cold day in January 1994,…

freezing  adj. 极冷的, 冷淡的

frozen    adj.  被冰冻的, 结冰的,冷漠的

freezing point,   a freezing machine,

frozen food,   in frozen silence

5. Although surprised, the poachers had an advantage—they were more of them.

although surprised—although they were surprised at the shout

6. He had given his life to save the Tibetan antelope.

give one’ life to…为……献身, 把一生献给……

7. The animals are skinned on the spot and the wool taken to India…

on the spot当场,在现场, 立刻

e.g. Anyone breaking the rules will be asked to leave on the spot.

When the fighting started, policemen and reporters were soon on the spot.

8. But in the 1990s the shawls came into fashion among rich people.

come into fashion  成为时尚


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