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高二必修五英语说课稿(外研版):unit 6



英语作为世界通用语言,是联合国的工作语言之一,威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了高二必修五英语说课稿,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。

I’ll say Book 5 Module 6 Animals in Danger, Reading part. I’ll prepare to say the lesson from 5 parts.

Part one

Analysis of the Teaching Material

1.       analysis of the students

Most students are interested in animals. So this topic can greatly attract their interest. It can accelerate them to learn English and animals as well. For the students of grade three, they have the ability to express their ideas. After learning this module, they will want to know more about endangered animals, which will help them enhance the ability of self-study.

2.       Status and function of the module

This module is one of the important module in this book. From Book 1 to Book 5, there are only 4 modules talking about environmental problems from different aspects. And this module is the only one that gives the students an opportunity to learn more about animals and especially endangered animals.

Such topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of the students and it is useful to get the students realize the serious reality that many rare animals are dying out. This module can raise their awareness of rescuing wild animals and protecting natural environment.

Part two

Teaching aims and teaching principles

Ⅰ.Teaching aims

1.       knowledge and ability goals

a.       To learn some useful words about endangered animals and antelopes, which will help them to express their ideas that how to protect endangered animals. As a result, teaching difficult points can be solved.

b.       In reading part, the students are trained to read efficiently and can get the right answer for reading comprehension. This kind of ability is important for the students to get a high mark in exam.

2. Emotional attitude goals

a. Guide the students to learn how to cooperate with others and develop autonomy learning.

b. Use the topic in this module to cultivate the students’ awareness of loving animals and the nature as well as protecting the environment. Meanwhile, the students are encouraged to take an active part in social practice and exploration.

Ⅱ.Teaching methods

Task-based teaching method (Individual work, pair work, group work,)

Communicative language teaching method

Whole instruction

As we all know the main instructional aim of learning English is to cultivate students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. What’s more important is to cultivate students’ ability of using the language. In this lesson, I’ll design some tasks for them and they can finish these tasks by communicating with their classmates and teachers.

Part three

Teaching material

Ⅰ.important points

1. Key sentences and patterns

2. Key topic--- How to protect animals in danger?

Ⅱ.difficult points

1. Improve the reading ability

2. Be ware of text organization and can use scanning and skimming skills to complete tasks

3. Analyze sentence structures and guess word meaning from context or clues

Part four

Teaching procedures and tasks

Step 1 Lead-in

Group competition:   Name animals as many as possible, and then figure out which one is in danger.

Step 2 Reading


Pair work: Look at the picture and guess what the passage is about?

Individual work: Skim the questions in Activity 2 and guess the answers. (Guessing the answer before reading is an effective method to get a high grade in the exam, which benefit the students a lot.)

Ⅱ.While-reading: (4)

Individual work:

1. Skimming: (To get the right answers to Activity 2)

2. Scanning:

a. main idea for each paragraph (According to the different level of different class, let the students summarize the main idea or match the main idea to each paragraph.)

Para1: A story about Jiesang who did his best to save a Tibet antelope.

Para2: A large number of antelopes have been killed for their wool.

Para3: The business of antelope wool is illegal but it is not easy to be stopped.


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