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高二英语说课稿:Oliver Wants More



【摘要】下面是威廉希尔app 为各位老师准备的“高二英语说课稿:Oliver Wants More”小编相信只有在课前充分的准备,课上才能传授更多更完善的只是给学生,欢迎老师们参考小编的说课稿!

Unit 7 Oliver Wants More

Teacher: Zhu Xiaoli

Class: Class Three

Date: May 7th

Teaching Period: 1 period

I. Teaching Objectives:

1. Knowledge Aims:

1) To review the key points of unit 6 and practice these phrases.

2) To get the students acquainted with some well-known classics in English literature.

3) To learn something about the novel “Oliver Twist” as well as its writer and his background.

4) To study the inverted order of the sentence beginning with never, seldom, etc.

2. Ability Aims:

1) To train the skill in translating.

2) To learn to guess the unfamiliar words according to the context.

3) To learn to express the opinons.

4) To learn how to enjoy a classic.

3. Emotion Aims:

1) To arouse the students’ sympathy of Oliver Twist and learn to cherish their life.

2) To cultivate the students’ interest in classics.

II. Key Points:

1. recognition of the famous writers and the match of them and their works

2. the cultural background of the story and comparison of Lu Xun’s works

3. the understanding the whole text

III. Language Focus

be known as/to/for be born be familiar with

earn one’s living serve sth out suffer terrible hunger

in silence be tall for his age take one’s place

whisper to each other aim a blow at hang/hanged/hung

lock sth up offer a reward of

Never ever did the bowls need washing.

…, as if they could have eaten that, too.

IV. Teaching Materials:

Textbook, Multimedia

V. Teaching Procedures:

Step I. Warm up

1. To watch the covers of some classic and ask the students to match the names of books and their authors and then give the Chinese version.

2. To some translation related to the life of Charles Dickens.


1) 他作为英国文学史上最著名的小说家之一而闻名。(known)

2) 他以他的长篇小说闻名。(known)

3) 他于1812年出生于英国。(born)

4) 在他小时候,他的父亲被送进了监狱。(be sent to prison)

5) 他的母亲不得不带着8个孩子搬到伦敦的贫民窟(slum of London) 。

6) 他总是观察他周围的人。(surround)

7) 当他开始写伦敦穷人们的故事时,他对他们很熟悉了。(familiar)

8) His works are characterized by attacks on social evil(罪恶), injustice(不公平) and false life(表里不一的生活).

In this part, I will present some pictures to the students and they will be encouraged to talk something about some classics and be informed of some famous writers. And then I will introduce them Charles Dickens. To be familiar with the writer, they will be asked to do some translation work about him. Meanwhile, they will have the ability to train their skill in translating and further their understanding of the phrases learnt before. After they finish the task, they will be able to have knowledge of the Charles’ background and writing style.

Step II. Text

Task 1: a brief introduction of “Oliver Twist”

1. To compare the writing style of Charles Dickens to Luxun

2. To guess the background, the author’s intention and the life of the orphans.

Key Questions:

1) What did the author want to tell us?

2) What social problems existed at that time according to the title?

What was the orphans’ life?

In this part, my students will have to compare Cha


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