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⑤ Would it be right to move them if we had to build something where they stand today? Why or why not?

2. Fill in the blanks with proper words.

The Great Wall of China is one of the eight wonders of the world. It lies across North China ________ a huge dragon (巨龙). It is one of the few man-made projects on earth ________ can be seen from the moon.

The Great Wall ________ built more than 2,000 years ago. It was built ________ the reason of war. Now it is more than 6,000 kilometers ________ from east to west, 6-7 meters high, and 4-5 meters wide. In most places, it is wide ________ for five horses or ten people to walk side ________side along the top.

Today the Great Wall has become a great place of ________ .It interests tens of thousands of people ________ different parts of the world every day. So more and ________ people have come to know the famous Chinese saying:“He ________ does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.”

【KEYS】like; that; was; for; long; enough; by; interest; from; who

Step five Discussion

1.Language input:In the world there’re many cultural relics. Sometimes people have to choose between protecting the relics of the past and building the roads and houses of the future. What do you think we need to think about when we make decisions about cultural relics?

[Divide the class into groups and ask them to discuss for a while, and then collect ideas or suggestions from each group.]

Step six Summary and Homework

1. Read the passages and finish off Workbook Ex 4 on p.126.

2. Write a report about the discussion.

Teaching procedures for the 5th Period

Step one Warming-up

1. Greeting.

2. Check the homework.

3. Ask individual Ss to act out their reports, making some comments if necessary.

Step two Language study

1. Group work Divide the class into groups, asking each group to find the verbs beginning with the letters “re-” and discussing the similarities among them.

restore; rebuild; replace; recreate;

2. Analyze the structure of the discussed words:prefix “re”+ V. → meaning “do sth. once again”.

3. Brainstorming Ask the Ss to think of other examples or look up the dictionary for words with the prefix “re-”and get the meaning of the words.


⑴ reappear vi. appear again (esp. after disappearing)


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