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3. About 20~50% of the electricity which Egypt needs is produced ________ the water

rushing ________ the base of the dam.

4. Each stone was marked ________ a number and then all the stones were carried to the new


5. The old temple, which dates ________ about 1250 BC, will be moved to a new place.

6. The experts are trying to find ways of rescuing the animals ________ danger.

7. Many fields will be covered ________ the waters of the new lake which will be finished

________ the end of this year.

【KEYS】1.As; by 2.by 3.from; through 4.with 5.from 6.in 7.by / with; by / before

2. Skimming Ask the Ss to read the passage more carefully and try to answer the followings:

1.What are the only three man-made projects that can be seen from the earth? Where are they?

2.When was the Aswan High Dam completed?

3.What was the High Dam built for?

4.What problems were caused by building the High Dam?

5.What do you know about the temple at Abu Simbel?

6.How did the engineers decide to move the whole temple?

7.How long did the project last?

8.How much did the project cost?

9.When was the project completed?

10.How can you get to the temple at Abu Simbel?

Step four Post-reading

1. Discussion Divide the class into groups and ask each group to discuss the question:

① Do you think it necessary to spend so much money on rescuing this temple?

② Do you think that the Egyptian engineers solved the problem in the best way possible?

③ Are there other temples or buildings that we could not move?

④ What about the Great Wall or the Temple of Heaven?


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