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⑵ recall v. call back

⑶ recollect v. call back to the mind

⑷ recount v. count again

⑸ redo v. do again

⑹ refill v. fill again

⑺ refit v. make (a ship, etc) ready for use again by renewing or repairing parts

⑻ reforest v. plant again with trees

⑼ re-form v. form again

⑽ rehouse v. provide with a new house

⑾ rejoin v. join (together) again

⑿ relay v. lay (a cable, carpet, etc) again

⒀ rename v. give a new name to; name again

⒁ reopen v. open again after closing or being closed

⒂ replay v. play (e.g. a football match that was drawn) again

⒃ reprint v. print again; print a new impression of

⒄ retell v. tell again

⒅ rethink v. think about again; reconsider

⒆ reunite v. bring together or come together again

⒇ rewrite v. write again

4. Structure (Grammar)

Ⅰ.Ask the Ss to put some sentences into English, going over the Present Perfect Tense.

① 在过去的三个月里学生们已经收集了二千节旧电池(n.battery)。

② 园林工人已完成寺庙百分之八十的重建任务。

③ 他已将那台旧电视机送给邻居了。


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