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【摘要】2014年高中高二优秀说课稿模板是威廉希尔app 为您整理的高考最新动态,请您详细阅读!

Teaching Procedures for the 1st Period

Step one Warming-up

1. Greeting.

2. Watching & Chatting:Watch a video which introduces some famous cultural sites across

Shaoxing, having a free chat with the Ss.

3. Questions & Answers:Show to the Ss three pictures, asking them:

① What do you know about the places in the pictures?

② Where are they?

③ Which one would you like to see most? Why?

Step two Pre-listening

1. Ticking:Listen to the tape and tick the things Ss hear.

2. Questions & Answers:Listen again and discuss the questions in groups

① Why is it important to protect cultural relics?

② Why is it difficult to find out how people lived in ancient times?

③ What do we know about life in ancient Egypt?

④ Why do we know so much about the way the ancient Egyptians lived?

⑤ What do you think we can do to protect our cultural relics?

Step three Listening

1. Language Input :Well, now we're going to listen to a description of three cultural sites.

Please ① Listen to the tape and write down the name of the site in the form below.

② Listen to the tape again and write down about its importance.

③ Listen to the tape again and write down about “What's being done to protect it”.


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