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Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood  《丫丫姐妹们的神圣秘密》

Siddalee, a well-known New York playwright, has been estranged from her mother (Vivi) for years. When she gives a quote to a Time magazine reporter discussing her childhood, her Southern-living mother finds out and their relationship becomes even more turbulent. Determined to bring mother and daughter together, Vivi’s childhood friends kidnap Siddalee and bring her home to explain her mother’s troubled past.

MPAA Rating: Rated PG-13 for mature thematic elements, language, and brief sensuality.

Runtime: 1 hr. 56 mins.

Details: Directed by Callie Khouri and written by Rebecca Wells and Mark Andrus, this movie stars Sandra Bullock, Ellen Burstyn, Ashley Judd and James Garner. Was released in theaters June 7, 2002.

Why It’s a Mom-riffic Film: This film explores the complexity of female relationships and the intense connection between mothers and daughters. Gather up all your best friends, your daughters, and your tissues for this one.



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