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Whip It《滑轮女孩》

Bliss Cavendar is an awkward small-town Texas teen struggling to find out where she fits in. Her mother dreams of turning Bliss into a pageant girl but when a group of tough-girl roller derby chicks rolls into a neighboring town Bliss decides to take her life in a whole new direction.

MPAA Rating: Rated PG-13 for sexual content including crude dialogue, language and drug material.

Runtime: 1 hr. 51 mins.

Details: Directed by Drew Barrymore and written by RoShauna Cross, this movie stars Ellen Page, Marcia Gay Harden, Kristen Wiig, Juliet Lewis, Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore. Was released in theaters October 2, 2009.

Why It’s a Mom-riffic Film: Actors Ellen Page (Bliss Cavendar) and Marcia Gay Harden (Mrs. Cavendar) entertain while still giving a very real portrayal of the struggle families go through as children begin to grow up and chase their dreams.


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