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母亲节不知道该怎么和妈妈一起庆祝?那就不妨和妈妈一起看看电影吧!威廉希尔app 为大家精选了最适宜母亲节观看的高中生励志电影。一起来看一下吧!


My Big Fat Greek Wedding 《我盛大的希腊婚礼》

A young Greek woman named Toula (Nia Vardalos) falls in love with a non-Greek guy (John Corbett), then struggles to accept a culture which says: “Nice Greek girls are supposed to do three things in life: marry Greek boys, make Greek babies, and feed everyone…until the day we die.”

MPAA Rating: PG for sensuality and language.

Runtime: 1 hr. 35 mins.

Details: Directed by Joel Zwick and written by Nia Vardalos, this movie stars Nia Vardalos, Michael Constantine, John Corbett, and Lainie Kazan. Was released in theaters Aug. 2, 2002; on DVD Feb. 11, 2003.

Why It’s a Mom-riffic Film: Even if a mom feels her job is to cook “foods filled with warmth and wisdom, and never forgetting that side dish of steaming hot guilt,” you know she does it out of love. In this film, Toula’s mom Maria does everything in her power to help her daughter achieve her dreams, by giving Dad a good talking to!


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