The Sound of Music《音乐之声》
Gentle Maria (Julie Andrews) leaves – ok, gets kicked out of – her post at an Austrian convent to become the governess to seven mischievous kids of a strict Naval officer widower (Christopher Plummer).
MPAA Rating: G
Runtime: 2 hrs. 54 mins.
Details: Directed by Robert Wise and written by Howard Lindsay, Russel Crouse and Ernest Lehman, this movie stars Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer, Peggy Wood, and Anna Lee. Was released in theaters March 2, 1965; 2-Disc 40th Anniversary Edition DVD released on Nov. 15, 2005.
Why It’s a Mom-riffic Film: A mom doesn’t have to be biologically related in order to be a great caregiver. Just watch the touching scene where Maria comforts the kids with her “favorite things” and you’ll agree.
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