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Stepmom 《继母》

Susan Sarandon is Jackie Harrison, a terminally-ill mom who decides to make the best of things and teach the new woman (Julia Roberts) in her ex-husband’s life how to be a good stepmom to her kids.

MPAA Rating: Rated PG-13 for language and thematic elements.

Runtime: 2 hrs. 5 mins.

Details: Directed by Chris Columbus and written by Gigi Levangie and Jessie Nelson, this movie stars Julia Roberts, Susan Sarandon, and Ed Harris. Was released in theaters Dec. 25, 1998; on DVD April 13, 1999.

Why It’s a Mom-riffic Film: It’s not so happy that the mom is dying in this movie, but Susan Sarandon’s Jackie Harrison still believes in celebrating her family’s time together, as she does one scene where she joyously dances with her kids to “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough.”


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