Mrs. Miniver《忠勇之家》
Greer Garson is Mrs. Miniver, the matriarch of a middle-class English family experiencing life in the first months of World War II, dodging bombs and protecting their family the best they can.
MPAA Rating: Not rated but comparable to a PG rating
Runtime: 2 hrs. 14 mins.
Details: Directed by William Wyler and written by Arthur Wimperis and George Froeschel, this movie stars Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon and Reginald Owen. Was released in theaters June 4, 1942; on DVD Feb. 3, 2004.
Why It’s a Mom-riffic Film: Mrs. Miniver protects her kids like a momma lion, and she’s always calm, cool and collected, even when dealing with a wounded German soldier.
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