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Module 1 My First Day at Senior High

Section Ⅱ Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary—Language Study


1.Our ____________(以前的)teacher was kind to us.

2.Reading ____________(理解)ability is important in English study.

3.The girl used to be ____________(尴尬的)in public places,but now she is used to making a speech.

4.He simplified the ____________(说明)so that the children could understand them.

5.Our teacher is showing us a new ____________(方法)of doing things.

6.Believe it or not,I have never seen a better film.It is really ____________(令人吃惊的).


nothing like;similar to;amaze;impress;in other words

1. I bought some new shoes which are ____________ ____________a pair I had before.

2.She was ____________ when she heard I had won.

3.Mary is tall while her sister is short.She is __________ her sister.

4.You didn’t pass the driving test.____________,you failed in the test.

5.It ____________ me that he remembered my name.


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