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北师大版高一英语unit1教学计划范文:A Volunteer Teacher



语言是交流工具,英语无疑是这个世界上最重要的交流工具。以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的北师大版高一英语unit1教学计划范文,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。

Mongolian Tent

Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongol) is the the first national autonomous region established in China. It stretches along China's northern border with Mongolia and Russia and covers an oblong area of over 1.28 million square kilometers, one eighth of China. Of all the Chinese provinces and autonomous regions, Inner Mongolia is the third largest after Xinjiang and Tibet.

The Mongols united under Genghis Khan in 1206, and their descendents went on to conquer the rest of China and then parts of Europe in the 13th and 14th centuries. Today, this region is only for strong and adventurous tourists who don't mind a mutton diet.

The girl’s name is Wang Shu, grew up in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. Upon graduation from the English department of Beijing Normal University, she left Beijing for Inner Mongolia working as a volunteer teacher. She is still there now.

Key words

to pass your final exam at university

to get help and encourage

sth new, exciting, or difficult to do

to make yourself ready for sth

a choice that you make

sb who do a job without being paid

prepare for


win support




5. Complete the sentences with the words. graduate, challenge, win support, decision, prepare for, volunteer

Kate from medical school last year and she’s working in a big hospital now.

2. His idea to organise a big party has from his friends

3. The captain told the soldiers to action.


won support

prepare for

4. The company is ready to meet the of the next year.

5. His to study medicine has made his father proud.

6. I need a to help with cooking.




Listen to the interview and answer these questions.

What is Wang Shu’s future plan?

How does she feel about her work in Inner Mongolia?

Section 1

3. Why did she decide to go there?

Section 2

4. What is she going to do in Inner Mongolia?

5. What do her parents think of her decision?

Section 3

Emcee: (n.) a master of ceremonies. 司仪,仪式的主持人

MC: Good morning and welcome to the show. This morning, I have Wang Shu, here in the studio. She is going to tell us about her plan for the future. Good morning, Wang Shu.

Wang Shu: Good morning.

MC: Wang Shu, tell us about your plan, please.

Wang Shu: I am going to work as a volunteer teacher in a small country town in Inner Mongolia.

MC: Really? You must be excited.

Wang Shu: oh, yes. I am really excited

about it.

MC: But why did you make such a big decision?

Wang Shu: Well, I’ve just graduated from university. As a teacher, I feel it’s my duty to do something for the students in poor areas.

MC: But life in Inner Mongolia is very tough and quite different from that in Beijing. Have you prepared for that?

Wang Shu: Yes, I know life there will be especially hard for me. You know, I am the only child in my family and used to the comfort of Beijing, so teaching in Inner Mongolia is going to be a great challenge for me. But I really enjoy meeting new challenges. That’s why I am determined to go.

MC: What are you going to do there as a teacher?

Wang Shu: I am going to teach Senior High School students. I’ll have lots of lesson plans to make and homework to mark. I will be very busy.

MC: What do your parents think of your plan? Do they support you?

Wang Shu: To tell you the truth, they felt shocked when they first heard about my plan. They were strongly against it. But we had a long talk and I finally won their support.

MC: And when are you leaving?

Wang Shu: The train leaves at 9 tomorrow morning, so I am getting up at about 6 to get everything ready. The new school term begin the day after I arrive. I can’t wait to meet students there. They are said to be hardworking and eager to learn.

MC: I am sure your parents are proud of you, and I am sure you are going to have an exciting year.

Wang Shu: Thank you very much!

Expressing future arrangements and intentions.

be going to-- to express an intention to do something.

Present Continuous-- to talk about future events that we have already fixed or arranged.

Present Simple-- to talk about official events or timetables which we cannot change.

be going to do & be doing 的区别

be going to do 表示事先经过考虑过,然后计划



e.g He is going to clean the room.

We are going to go shopping



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