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Teaching aims(教学目标):

1. Enable students to express their own experiences in English with the words learnt in the reading(让学生学会用学过的词语表达自己的经历).

2. Enable students to get the basic knowledge about earthquakes and know how to protect themselves and help others in disasters(让学生学会关于地震的有关知识并学会在灾难中保护自己和他人).

3. Enable students to know the true meaning of life and make them cherish their lives as well as the other’s(让学生明白生命的意义并使他们学会珍惜自己和他人的生命).

Teaching important points(教学重点):

1.     Make them get the main idea of the passage and learn some important skills of reading(让他们明白文章大意并学习一些重要的阅读技巧).

2.     Enable students to learn the important words and phrase in the passage and use these expression_r_r_rs to express themselves(让学生学会一些单词能用这些单词表达自己)

Teaching difficult points(教学难点):

1.     Help students to understand some long and difficult sentences(帮助学生理解一些长难句).

2.     Help them master the general idea of the passage.(帮助他们掌握文章大意)

Teaching methods教学方法:

1.     Task-based teaching method(任务性教学方法)

2.     Communicative teaching method(交际教学法)

3.     Group-work teaching method(小组教学法)

Teaching aids教具:

1.     multi-media多媒体

2.     computer电脑

3.     blackboard黑板

Teaching procedures教学过程:

一.Warming up ( show pictures about Si chuan earthquake)热身(关于四川地震的图片展示)

1. What is the news about in the picture? Do you know anything about it?

2. Do you know another big earthquake happened in China, on July 28, 1976? What was it?

二.Fast reading速读

Look through the passage silently, divide it into 3 parts and discuss with your partners about the main idea of each part.(速读课文分三段,段意是什么)

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

The skills of fast reading(阅读技巧):

1. We read the passage silently so as to concentrate(速读不出声)


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