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Ⅰ.The General Idea of This Module?

This module mainly describes the different characteristics of different teachers from the viewpoint of the students, and it also tells us that different students prefer different teaching characteristics. The teacher get the students to express the topic “the teachers I love” and “the relationship between the teachers and the students” focusing on the main contents and to make them understand others better and communicate better. Get the students to describe different teaching characteristics, teaching styles and the studnets’ study. The students are supposed to express their thoughts with the words learned in this module.?

In this module, we are going to learn the vocabulary of the teaching characteristics, sentence patterns about preference and the usage of the v.-ing form. The students are required to master the sound stress and pronounce them correctly. Through this module, the students are required to improve in listening, speaking, reading and writing.?


Four practices are arranged here. Words are introduced, which are about the teachers’ characteristics and teaching styles. The students are required to grasp the meanings of these words, which are foundations to further study of this module.?


This part introduces three teachers and their teaching styles. After reading the passage, the students are expected to understand different characteristics and teaching styles. The reading purpose is to make sure that the students master the vocabulary and their ?usage? and obtain the information correctly.?


This part introduces the v.-ing? form and its usage: v.-ing used as an object. The students need to master the usage and some verbs that are usually followed by the v.-ing form. After learning this grammar, we students can describe the real life using the  v.-ing form.?


This part offers some situations in which the students describe the teachers they love. Then the students talk about their favorite school life and why.?


The students listen to a passage and then answer some questions, fill out the blanks so as to improve the students listening ability. The students are supposed to know more words about the school life. By this listening practice, the students may understand these words better in the given situations and express their thoughts using these words. Finally, write out their favorite and difficult subjects.?


Listen and pay attention to word stress: Listen again and mark the word stress.?


Learn the sentences about preference to understand and use them to express one’s own thoughts.?


Learn the sentence patterns: suggestions and language obstacles. These words and patterns can be used in daily conversations.?


Get the students to know the importance of comma from the five given sentences, then write a passage paying special attention to the punctuation marks.?


By reading the passage, we know that different countries have different schools, and that different relationships exist in different schools. We also know that there are different kinds of private schools and public schools.?


Setting criteria for a good teacher.?

Work in pairs. Think of three or four teachers who you think are excellent and ?explain? why.?

Read the instructions. Make sure the students know what to do.?

Put the students into pairs and have them make notes on their ideas.?

Write ten criteria for a good teacher. Explain why you think these things are ?important.??

Ask the students to choose ten criteria from these and make a new list.?


This section lists the main areas of language dealt within this module. Give the students ten minutes to go through it, ticking the things they are confident they know, putting a question mark next to those things they are not sure of, and a cross next to those they don’t know. This should then be the basis of their own revision of the module.??

Ⅱ.Three-Dimensional Goals?

1. Knowledge and Skills?

(1)Master the key words and read the text fluently.?

(2)Improve the relationship ?between? the teachers and the students by comparing the relationship between the teachers and the students in other countries.?

(3)Learn the ?v.-ing? form and its usage. Describe the real life by using the form.?

2. Process and Methods?

(1)Combine the self-taught with teachers’ guidance. Know the relationship between the ?teachers? and the students.?

(2)Inquiry and activity, get the students to know the different teaching styles of different? teachers.?

(3)Thinking-training, help the students to set the correct and all-the-round thinking way, and enforce to control the directions of the thinking.?

3. Attitude of Emotion and Value?

To know more about the teachers and love the teachers deeply. The students not only take an active part in class, but also coordinate their study with the teachers’ teaching. As a result, the relationship between the teachers and the students are more harmonious.?

Ⅲ.Teaching Important Points?

How to help the students to ?improve? their reading comprehension, master the reading methods gradually and the writing methods.?

Ⅳ.Teaching Difficult Points?

How to improve the students’ in reading and writing, especially comprehension reading. Master the usage of the v.-ing form.??

Ⅴ.Teaching Tools?

1. The multimedia. ?

2. Some cards or Bb. ??

Ⅵ.Teaching Time ?


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