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上海新世纪高一英语module2教学计划范文:Unit 3 English manners



尽快地掌握学习知识迅速提高学习能力,由威廉希尔app 高中频道为您提供的上海新世纪高一英语module2教学计划范文,希望给您带来启发!


Knowledge and ability ob jective(知识与技能目标)

To help students to develop r eading, listening and speaking skills

To help students to develop the skill of commu nication

To help students to understand the infinitive and its usage.

Process and method objective(过程与方法目标)

1.Collaborative learning approach

2.To help the students use the grammar to do some exercises.

Emotion, attitude and values objective(情 感、态度与价值观的目标)

To help students to understand the different cultural customs of foreign countries.


To help students to develop r eading, listening and speaking skills

To help students to develop the skill of commu nication

To help students to understand the infinitive and its usage.



Step 1 Review the vocabulary

1.to start with= to begin with    首先

2.on the bus    在车上

by bus       乘车

3.practise doing       练习做

4.think to oneself      心里想

5.come into one’s head      想到。。。,产生(某想法)

=come into one’s mind

=occur to sb.

=occur to one’s mind

6.What a shame       真遗憾!多可惜啊!

7.feel shame at        对 。。。感到羞耻,遗憾

feel ashamed of

8.small talk           闲谈,聊天

9.get started          开始

10.on the right track             做对了,摸着门路了

11.have fun doing/it’s fun doing    做某事很有趣


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