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牛津译林版高一上册英语教学计划模板:Unit 2 Growing pains



计划可以使人集中注意,如果要让学生感兴趣,教师就要饱含情感。威廉希尔app 编辑了高一上册英语教学计划模板,欢迎阅读!

Teaching objectives:

1. To read about how to express different feelings in different tones.

2. To develop listening and speaking ability in different tones.

3. To develop reading skills by reading four diary entries.

4. To understand the mood of the writer.

5. To develop writing skills by reading the tips.

6. To understand the mood of the Mum’s and Jack’s feelings.

Important and difficult points:

1. Understanding tones in spoken English.

2. Reading for gist.

3. Writing a dialogue.

Teaching procedures:

Skills building 1: understanding tones in spoken English

In this part you will read about how to express different feelings in different tones. By listening to one short sentence in different tones and reading the explanation after each sentence, you’ll learn people speak in different tones to express different feelings. Listen to another sentence in different tones to decide which emotional meaning each tone shows.

1. Read the guidelines in Skills building 1 on page 32 before listening to the five versions of the same sentence in different tones. You will see that there are four main points to determine how the speaker is feeling. (Write down the four points on the blackboard.)

*the volume *the tones *stressed words *the pause

2. Listen to the example sentence in five different tones one by one. After you listen to one of them, tell what you think about the speaker's emotion. Is she happy, or angry? Is she in high spirits or in low spirits? Then read the explanation for each sentence.

3. Read the sentence ‘He will come here tomorrow.’in different emotions.

If someone is happy about his coming,

If someone doesn't want him to come, how will he speak it? In what tone?

If someone is excited about his coming,

If someone is frustrated or questioning,

Then let’s listen to the tape and finish Part A on page 32.


A 1. questioning 2. frustrated 3. excited 4. sad

4. Ask students to listen to the tape and finish Part B.

Let students listen to the five sentences again and ask them to tell which word is emphasized and what tones are used for different emotions.

Step 1: listening to a radio phone-in programme

In this programme, six teenagers call the host to talk about their problems and ask for some advice. Write down a proper name below each picture according to what you hear from the tape.

Listen to a radio phone-in programme and finish the exercise in Step 1 on page 33. Say something about the pictures and what you have heard on the tape.

Answers: 1. Jane 2. Chrietina B. Shirllley 4. Richard 5. Patrik 6. Willlliam

Skills building 2: reading for gist

Read four diary entries. Underline the main points of each entry and circle some key words that show the mood of the writer. After doing this, you will learn that this is the skill of reading for gist.

1. Read the guidelines of this part on page 34. You will see that it is very important for you to understand the gist or the main point of what you have read.

2. Work in groups of four. Each of the group read one diary entry and find the main point and circle the words which show the mood of the writer. Then tell in turn what you have learnt after reading.

Sample answers


Main points

The words telling the writer’s mood

The first diary entry

Today has been a great day because my parents bought me an expensive bike.


The second diary entry

We had a Maths test and I’m nervous about my result.

tired, afraid, nervous

The third diary entry

I failed the Maths test and don’t know how to tell my parents.


The fourth diary entry

All that worrying was for nothing.

very happy, glad

Step 2: reading a thank-you letter

Here you are asked to read a thank-you letter from Christina, a caller to 'Talk time' the radio phone-in programme, to the host of the programme. You should use the reading skill in Skills building 2 to identify the main point and some details in the letter.

1. Read the thank-you letter on page 35. Find the answers to the following questions:

(1) Who wrote the letter?

(2) To whom is the letter written?

(3) Why is the letter written?

2. Decide which statements are true and which are false according to the letter. Correct the false sentences.

Answers: 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. F

1. Christina wrote a thank-you letter to George.

4. Christina and her mum spend one day a week with each other.

6. Christina’s mum took her and her friends out to dinner.

7. Christina was friends with her mum.

Skills building 3: writing a dialogue

Read about what you should and should not do when writing a dialogue first, and then you will read a dialogue and find out the reasons why some sentences are wrong according to the tips. Lastly point out the sentences that show Mum's and Jack's feelings.

1. Read the three points on how to write a dialogue. You will know what you should do and what you shouldn't do when writing a dialogue.

(The following points can be written on the blackboard.)

*Don't include words like‘Umm’ or‘Hmm’ in a dialogue.

*Don't repeat words that have just been said. For example, when one says,‘Go and sit down.’

The other should use‘Why?' instead of‘Go and sit down.’or‘Why should I sit down?’

*Use the words the characters say to show their personalities and moods.

Don't say ‘He/She is very angry.’


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