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牛津上海版高一上册英语unit1教学计划模板:Body language




(Extensive Reading)教学设计

I. The Analysis of Teaching Contents

This is the second teaching period--Extensive Reading in Unit 4 in New Senior English For China Student’s Book 4, in which students can get the basic information about the body language in different culture through different reading skills.

Generally speaking, the students are quiet familiar with the learning materials. However, they don’t have enough knowledge about the background of different cultures. Thus the teacher should give a brief introduction of body language in different cultures. Finally, the teacher should design some effective and interesting activities to stimulate the students’ interests and loves for learning body language. 

II. Teaching Aims

1. Knowledge aims

a. Useful new words and expressions

greet, represent, approach, expression, defend, misunderstand, adult, cheek, major, likely, in general

b. Spoken language

Act out the following meanings, please.

Please guess what I mean.

Please show the actions, using body language.

Please use either spoken words or body language to express your ideas.

2. Ability aims

a. Develop the students’ different reading abilities and let them learn different reading skills: skimming, scanning and careful reading.

b. Help the students understand others when body language is being used.

3. Emotional aims

a. Let the students know the different body language in different countries.

b. Stimulate the students’ interests and loves for learning body language as well as to learn verbal language.

III. Teaching Important Points

a. Let students get the detailed basic information of the text, especially the structure.

b. Teach the students how to use body language in the most appropriate occasions.

IV. Teaching Difficult Points

a. Let the students understand body language used in different countries or cultures as well as in different occasions.

b. Let the students know that there is both positive body language and negative body language.

V. Teaching Methods

a. Individual work, pair work and group work.

b. Skimming, scanning and careful reading.

c. Task-based method and role-playing method.

VI. Teaching Aids

Multimedia and other normal teaching tools.

VII. Teaching Procedures

Step I. Lead-in

1. The teacher uses some pictures to arise students’ interests.

A further explanation of the picture and lead in the topic of this unit—BODY LANGUAGE.

2.      Invite all students to act the body languages.



You are welcome.

Come on; be cheerful.

May you succeed!

Or congratulations on your success!

I am not in favor of your idea or I’ll have to refuse you.

He is very sad.

She is very happy.

They are waving goodbye to people around.

Give a further explanation about the body language we used in our daily lives have the absolutely different meanings around the world.

Step II. Learning aims and Instructions

Showing the teaching aims and Instructions on the screen.

1. Learning aims

a. Enable the students to know different cultural body language when needed.

b. Help the students learn how to express themselves in body language to avoid misunderstanding in intercultural communication.

2. Instructions

The students should prepare their textbooks, guiding papers, triple-color pens

and especially, their learning passions.

Step III. The comments of the guiding papers

1. Strong points and shortcomings.

2. Encouragement

Step IV. Self-study

1. Check the answers together.

(1).Yesterday, another student and I,              our university’s student association, went to the Capital International Airport to meet this year’s international students.

(2).Tony             Julia,         her shoulder and          her on the cheek.

(3).When we met yesterday, he moved             me as if I introduced myself.

(4).Most people around the world now greet each other by           , but some cultures use other greeting as well, such as the Japanese, who prefer to             .

Suggested answers:

(1). Representing

(2). Approached, touched, kissed

(3). Very close to

(4). Shaking hands, bow


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