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高一英语必修一教学计划(新人教版):unit 5 Nelson Mandela a modern hero



-1952 He first met Nelson Mandela.

-1954 Not mentioned.

T:To help you better understand the passage,please read the passage after the tape.And then answer the following questions:

Q1:How many parts can we divide the text into?

Q2:What’s the main idea of each part?

Are you clear?

(Teacher plays the tape and helps the students with their pronunciation.)

Suggested answers:

Part 1 (para 1-2)The life of Elias before he met Nelson Mandela.

Part 2 (para 3-5) The change of Elias’ life after he met Nelson Mandela and what Mandela did.

Step 7 Summary

T:Today,we’ve learnt a text “Elias’ story”.And we did some talking about great people.I think you have got a lot of information about racial discrimination and the qualities great people have in common.

Step 8 Homework

1.Read the passage more.

2.Finish Ex 1,Ex 2 on SB.P35-36.


Unit 5  Nelson Mandela—a modern hero

The First Period












Part 1 (para 1-2)

The life of Elias before he met Nelson Mandela.

Part 2 (para 3-5)

The change of Elias’ life after he met Nelson Mandela and what Mandela did.


This activity is to make a research into what kind of person your best friend is.Ask students to fill in the following table after school by doing a research  in their free time.

Questions Yes No

Do you always do your own homework?

Do you ask for help when you think it necessary?

Do you help others with their work if they ask you?

Do you get on well with your classmates?

Are you willing to do public service work without pay?

Your friend needs bus fare home but you want to buy something to eat.

Would you refuse to help?

Are you active in school activities?

Do you have hobbies?

Do you easily lose heart when you are in trouble?

Do you often help old people or little children when they need help?


Mandela’s statements in court during the trials are classics in the history of the resistance to apartheid,and they have been an inspiration to all who have opposed it.His statement from the dock in the Rivonia Trial ends with these words:

I have fought against white domination,and I have fought against black domination.I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities.It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve.But if needs be,it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment.He started his prison years in the notorious Robben Island Prison,a maximum security prison on a small island 7 km off the coast near Cape Town.

Mandela rejected an offer of release on condition that he renounce violence.Prisoners cannot enter into contracts.Only free men can negotiate,he said.In April 1984 he was transferred to Pollsmoor Prison in Cape Town.1988 he was moved the Victor Verster Prison.Released on 11 February 1990,Mandela plunged wholeheartedly into his life’s work.Striving to attain the goals he and others had set out almost four decades earlier.In 1991,at the first national conference of the ANC held inside South Africa,Nelson Mandela was elected President of the ANC.His lifelong friend and colleague,Oliver Tambo,became the organisation’s National Chairperson.Despite terrible provocation,he has never answered racism with racism.His life has been an inspiration,in South Africa and throughout the world.To all who are oppressed and deprived,and to all who are opposed to oppression and deprivation.In a life that symbolises the triumph of the human spirit over mans inhumanity to man,Nelson Mandela accepted the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize.He accepted the award on behalf of all South Africans who suffered and sacrificed so much,to bring peace to our land.




高一英语必修一教学计划:unit 3 Travel journal(新人教版)


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