Step 4 Warming up
T:Well done.From the discussion we had just now,we know Martin Luther King,Jr.and Nelson Mandela are great people.So what are the qualities we should find in a great person?Who do you think is a great person?
(Ask students to discuss these questions in groups of four.Five minutes later,check with the whole class.)
T:Are you ready?
T:Good.Now,who would like to tell us what qualities a great person should have,Li Lei,have a try?
T:Very good.As a great person,should he/she get on well with others?Should he/she willing to do public service?Should he/she be active in society activities?Should he/she never lose heart when he/she is in great trouble?
S9:Yes.He/She should help others.
S10:As a great person,he/she should never lose heart when he/she is in trouble.
T:Now,I’d like to ask you a question like that what kind of person you are.Please look at Part 1,Page 33.Here is a form including 11 questions.Now please answer these questions by yourselves.Let us find out what qualities you have and if you have the qualities to be a great person.
(Let the students to answer these questions alone.At last,check the answers together with the whole class.)
T:I’m very glad to find out so many students in our class have the qualities to be a great person.By the way,so far you have done very well.
Step 5 Pre-reading
T:Just now,we talked about two great men,and now we will talk about five other people.William Tyndale,Norman Bethune,Sun Yat-sen,Gandhi and Neil Armstrong.You know,most of the great people are also important people.But important people may not also be great people.Now please turn to Pages 33-34 and read the information about them.Discuss their lives in pairs and decide which of them are great men and which are just important men.Give your reasons for your decision.
(Allow the students enough time to prepare.)
T:Are you ready?
T:Now any volunteers?
S11:I have a try.I think Norman Bethune is a great person because he fought against the German Nazis and Japanese invaders during World War Ⅱ.Besides,he worked in China as a doctor and saved many Chinese soldiers.Finally he lost his life for the liberation of Chinese people.He is very unselfish.
T:Very good.Tom,what’s you opinion?
S12:In my opinion,Gandhi is great.He gave up a rich life for his ideas and fought for his country to be free from the UK in a peaceful way.
T:Well done.Do you think if William Tyndale is a great person,Mary?
S13:I don’t think so.I think William Tyndale is an important person because he just did an important thing—wrote the Bible in English so all could read it.I think Norman Bethune,Sun Yat-sen,Gandhi are great persons,because they devoted themselves to the liberation of mankind and they changed history while William Tyndale and Neil Armstrong are important persons because they just did an important deed in history.
T:Very good.But maybe different students have different ideas about that.Do you agree Nelson Mandela is a great person?
T:Do you want to know more information about him?
T:OK.Let’s read the passage “Elias’ story”.After you read the passage,I think you will learn a lot from it.Now read the passage quickly and decide which of the sentences on the screen are true.
(Show the following sentences on the screen and give the students several minutes to finish the task.)
1.Elias met Nelson Mandela at school.
2.Nelson Mandela was a black lawyer.
3.Elias was unable to read or write because he was lazy.
4.Nelson Mandela helped him keep his job.
5.Elias was happy blowing up government buildings.
6.Nelson Mandela believed that black people were being treated as well as white people in South Africa.
7.Nelson Mandela thought violence was a good way to help black people.
8.The government were happy with Nelson Mandela and the ANC.
T:Look at the first sentence,please.Is it true?
S14:I think it is wrong,because Elias met Nelson Mandela when he was a poor black worker.
T:How about the second sentence?
S15:It’s right,because in the passage we can find this sentence.It was in 1952 and he had opened a black law firm to advise poor black people on their problems.
T:Very good.Now who can tell us which of these sentences are correct?
S16:I think the fourth sentence is right.
T:Do you agree with him/her?
T:What about the third sentence?
S17:I think it is wrong.Elias was unable to read or write because his family could not continue to pay the school fess and the bus fare,so he had to leave school when he was eight years old.
T:Good.Look at the fifth sentence,who’d like to have a try?
S18:I’d like to.This sentence is wrong because Elias did not like violence.
T:How about the next sentence?
S19:It’s wrong.Nelson Mandela didn’t believe that black people were being treated as well as white people in South Africa.
T:How do you know this?
S20:In the passage,we can read this sentence:...until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.
T:Good.What about the last two sentences?
S21:They’re both wrong.Nelson Mandela believed that breaking the law in a peaceful way was his first choice.As to the last sentence,Nelson Mandela led the struggle against the government,so it is natural for him to be hated by the government.
Step 6 Reading and understanding
T:Now,read the text again and make a timeline of Elias’ life until he met Nelson Mandela.Work out the year in which he was born and then fit in the other event in his life till he was fourteen.
(Show the following on the screen.)
-1940 -1948
-1942 -1950
-1944 -1952
-1946 -1954
(Students practise for a few minutes and the teacher may join in their discussion and help them.Finally ask some students to answer them one by one.)
Suggested answers:
-1940 He was born.
-1942 Not mentioned.
-1944 Not mentioned.
-1946 He began school.
-1948 He had to leave school.
-1950 He worked in a gold mine in Johannesburg.
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