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1. Canada is one of the largest countries in the world, second only to Russia, and has always been famous for its fantastic scenery.(p2 L1-2)    second only to: 仅次于

Our city has an area of 20,000 square kilometres, second only to the largest city in our province.

比较: second to , next to, superior to, junior/senior to

He is such a good player that he is second to none. (无人能比)

Next to music, he loves tennis best. (除了音乐,他最喜欢网球。)

This employee is superior to the former in ability. (这个雇员比上个强。)

He is junior to me by two years. (他比我小两岁。)

2. On the eastern and western boundaries, the country borders the two great oceans --- the Atlantic and the Pacific. (P2 Lines 6-7)

(1)border: v. to touch at the edge or boundary

China borders Russia and many other countries.

(2)border: n. the line that indicates the boundary of two countries or areas/ the edge of sth

Dave lives in a small town in Canada, near the American border.

You can not pass the border line without a passport.

3. …, which is said to be the longest border in the world not defended by an army or the police. (P.2 L.5-6)

defend vt. 防御,保护,保卫,为……辩护(常和from, against 连用)

defence/ defense  n.    in defence of  为了保护......;为......辩护

He defended her from the attack of a dog.

They defended the city against the enemy.

He made a long speech defending his view.= He made a long speech in defense of his view.

4. There are many wild animals in the forests and on the freezing, ice-covered lands in the north, and fish are abundant in the seas and rivers. (P2 L9-11)

abundant adj.  available in large quantity 丰富的,充裕的

This lake is abundant in fish.

You have abundant time to go there.

This autumn, farmers had an abundant harvest.

5. You will be thrilled by Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Edmonton-all known internationally for their metropolitan lifestyle, beautiful architecture and unique culture. (P2 L16-18)

thrill: vt. 使非常高兴,使非常激动

1)The exhibition thrilled all the visitors who came to the gallery. It was a great success.

2)They were thrilled at the news of the victory.

6. Located in the heart of Toronto is the Canadian National Tower, which is often called the CN for short. (P2.L21)

1) be located: 位于…… 坐落于……

The house is located next to the river.

Rome is located in Italy.

Houses must be worth a large amount of money standing (用现在分词)/ located(用过去分词)(位于) in that areas


We are faced with (面临) a serious problem.

The road is lined with(排列)tall trees.

He is dressed in(穿着) a new coat.

He is seated in(坐在) the armchair, silent.

The man is drunk in(陶醉于)the achievements made.

The troubled kid is lost in(沉迷于)computer games.

2) for short (简略形式), be short for (是......的简略形式),in short(总之)

Her name is “Frances”, or “Fran” for short.

Fran is short for Frances.

Things can’t be any worse: in short, the project has got stuck.

7. There are old buildings, churches, narrow streets and alleys, all alongside glass and steel and concrete skyscrapers reaching upwards. (L29-30)

alongside  prep. 与……一起;与……同时

In this city, traditional beliefs go alongside a modern urban lifestyle.

Volunteers worked alongside professional builders in the construction programme.

8. ...a beautiful harbour, and all the comforts of modern life and international cuisine, in addition to being close to the most popular wilderness and ski areas. (L35-37)

in addition to: as well as; also

Kate has a flat in London in addition to a villa in France.

Mr Zhou is popular with his students because he really cares for his students in addition to his years of experience as a teacher.

比较: as well as /as well/ in addition to /in addition/ alongside/besides

In addition to English, he has to study a second language.

He has to study a second language alongside/ besides English.

He has to study a second language as well as English.

He has to study English and in addition, a second language.

He has to study English and a second language as well.

9. It is like an underground city, covering an area of more than 20 football patches. (P3.L40)


China is the third largest country in the world, covering an area of 9.6 million square kilometers.(占)

I want to cover 100 miles by dark. (走过)

I want our best reporters sent to cover the event. (报道)

The doctor’s talk covered the history of medicine from Roman times to the present day. (涉及)

Will 1,000 dollars cover the bill?   (够......用)

10. Historians say that approximately one million people left their homes from different areas all over North America to seek their fortunes in the ‘Gold rush’.(p3 L48-50)

1) approximately : about/around

This supermarket covers approximately 10,000 square kilometres.

2) seek: try to find sth / ask for sth

The police are seeking a witness, who may know something about the robbery.

People don’t often find what they seek.

11. The mall consists of eight kilometers of tunnels, filled with shops, art galleries and even a water park. (P.3.L41)

consist of: 由……组成/构成  ( = be made up of ;  be composed of )


The world is made up(由……组成)of seven continents and four oceans.

The world consists of seven continents and four oceans.

The world is composed of seven continents and four oceans.

12. The watersfalls, the largest of which is shaped like a semicircle, are 670 metres wide, and fall 56 metres in an awesome white sheet of water. (P3. L44-45)

be shaped like...    像......的形状

The Sydney Opera House’s roof is shaped like a ship’s sails.

13. Although only a handful of people were successful, many stayed and established settlements in the area…(P3.L50)

a handful of: 少数(几个人);一小撮

Only a handful of people attended the meeting last Sunday.

14. There are many maple trees in Canada and a maple leaf is featured on the Canadian flag. (P3.L54-55)

feature  vt. 以...... 为特征,给......以显著地位

The new type engines feature high speed, small size and low costs.

This gallery features African art.

15. This sort of environment is perfect for wildlife photographers and hunters to tour. (P4.)

be perfect for...   最适合......

The weather is perfect for fishing.


1. Painting in her spare time ______ largely in her life.

A. represents   B. stands for   C. features    D. is on behalf of

2. The maple leaf is Canada’s national ____.

A. symbol      B. sign  C. sigh D. design

3. Approximately one million people left their homes from different areas all over North America to______. Which is wrong?

A. try their lucky    B. try their fortune

C. seek their fortunes      D. make their fortune

4. Only ___ people were successful in the gold rush, though, many stayed and ____ settlements in the area.

A. a handful of; set     B. a handful of; established

C. a small number of; built   D. a few; settled down

5. Anzong high school has a long history of about 55 years, ____ of approximately 100 mu.

A. covered the area     B. occupying the area

C. occupied an area        D. covering an area

6. The Yellow River is _____ the Yangtze River in China.

A. the second longer to    B. second only to

C. second to none of    D. second longest

7. The CN Tower ____ the Canadian National Tower, which _____ the heart of Toronto.

A. is for short; lies in    B. is in short; lies in

C. is short of; locates in    D. is short for; is located in

8. Canada _____ natural resources _____ superb scenery it has offered.

A. has abundance of; in addition to  B. is abundant in; alongside

C. is rich at; apart from    D. has abundant supply of; as well as

9. Quebec, once originally _____ by France, ____ the British in 1763.

A. was colonized; was lost to  B. being colonized; was lost in

C. colonized; was lost to      D. having being colonized; was lost in

10. Montreal, a multicultural port city, has many tourist attractions and colorful nightlife that no

visitors is ____ bored.

A. never    B. any   C. ever   D. even

11. The United Kingdom ____ Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

A. is made up for  B. includes     C. is consisted of     D. consists of

12. Edmonton is ____ the largest pedestrian mall in the world.

A. home to     B. the home for    C. the location of     D. location for

13. There are many animals and birds living in forest and in the northern areas ____ permanent frost, not ____ humans.

A. covered in; disturbing to    B. covered in; disturbed by

C. covered with; disturbing to     D. covered by; disturbing by

14. The city of Vancouver ____ the Pacific coast is _____ for visitors.

A. off; a good choice    B. to; a good start

C. on; a great starting point      D. at; the great starting point

15. The city of Toronto keeps the most multicultural is ____ the large amount of immigration there.

A. owe to    B. due to   C. because   D. thanks to

16. ____ the west coast is complete without a stop in Alberta’s West Edmonton Mall, which ____ every shopping need.

A. No visit to; caters to       B. Any visit to; satisfy

C. Not visit; meet       D. Any visit to; contents

17. The government makes all the decisions _____ the economy and politics of the UK, which still officially monarchy.

A. concerning  B. concerned  C. to concern about    D. regarded

18. New Zealand have the superb natural environment, which is perfect for outdoor activities, ____ this, New Zealanders love sports.

A. caters to  B. owe to   C. owing to   D. thanks to

19. Bungee Jumping is an amazing experience ____ a person makes a vertical jump from a high

platform _____ their ankles so that they bounce.


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