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高三英语一轮复习教案:Unit 4




经典谚语:Betterlate than never.不怕慢,单怕站。

Learning aims:

Master the important points in this text and use them freely.

一、Key Words

tourism旅游(业)àtourist_______n.游客à__tour______vi/ n.旅行,游历 à __guide_____指南;导游,向导

settle_________v. 定居à settlement定居地 central中央的,中心的à __center_____ n. 中心

suburb n.___郊区______ zone n._地区________ seaside n.__海边_______ volcano n.__火山_______

harbour_海港________ view景色,风景 sunshine____阳光_____ scenery风景,景色 __average_______adj.平均的 _regular________adj.定期的,规则的 _material________n.材料,原料 steel n.钢_________ Chinatown唐人街 officially adv._正式地,官方地________

_attractive________ adj.吸引人的,有魅力的 spider蜘蛛 web网状物,蜘蛛网

二、Key Phrases

1. 位于,坐落于 _be located on/ in_______________ 2. 回去,追溯到go back

3. 也 ,又 aswell as ____________________ 4. 以…著称_be known as___________________ 6.做出安排__make an arrangement__________

8. 其余的__the restof______________

9. 定居,安定下来__settle down_____________ 10. 平均 _onaerage________________11. 由…组成____be made up of__________

10. 12.与外界隔绝___separate from__________the outsideworld

三、Key Sentences(狂背材料)


It _hasa population of just under a million people and_is located __on North Island.

2. 这个城市的历史可以追溯到650年前,那是毛利人开始在这个地方定居。

The history ofthe city goes back 650 years___ when the Maoris settled in___________ the area.

3. 在城里,站在最高的塔---天塔上,你可以欣赏到令人惊异的景色。

In the city, youcan _enjoy an amazing view from____ the Sky Tower,which is the city’s tallest tower.

4. 因为有众多的帆船,那里被称为“风帆之都”。

Auckland _is called__“the city of sails”because it _has more boats than anywhere else __in the world.

5. 多种不同文化的人们居住在奥克兰使它成为新西兰最令人兴奋的城市。

It is also themost exciting city inNew Zealand_with people of many different cultures living there.

6. 1985年,新西兰政府确定整个国家为无核区,从此奥克兰成为亚太地区的反核试验中心。

In 1985,theNew Zealandgovernment made the whole country a nuclear-free zone_and since then Auckland has been acentre _for protest against nuclear testing___in Asia Pacific.


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