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一、 省略的目的


A. 避免重复,减少累赘。


Mike said that he would come to school to see me the next day, but he didn't come to school to see me the next day. 迈克说他第二 天要来学校看我,但是第二天他并没有来学校看我。

-- Mike said that he would come to school to see me the next day, but he didn't. 迈克说他第二天要来学校看我,但是他并没有来。(省掉最后九个词,句子简洁多了)

— What did he want yesterday 他昨天要了什么?

— An apple. 一个苹果。(如果回答时说出全文“He wanted an apple yesterday”,便显得别扭,不自然)

B. 连接紧密,结构紧凑。


John was the winner in 1994 and Bob in 1998. 约翰是1994年的获胜者,鲍勃是1998年的获胜者。(Bob后省略了was the winner,句子结构显得比较紧凑)

In some places we stopped in tents for the night, in other places in caves. 我们在有些地方住在帐篷里过夜,在有些地方住在山洞里。(in other places 后省略了主语和谓语we stopped for the night,上下文连接更加紧密)





Truth speaks too low, hypocrisy too loud. 真理讲话声太低,虚伪讲话声太高。(后一分句省略谓语speaks,突出了too loud)

— Have you told him that 你把那告诉他了吗?

— Not yet. 还没有呢。(= I have not told him that yet. 强调not yet )

二、 可省略的成分


A. 功能词的省略



They elected John (the) monitor of the class. 他们选约翰当班长。

A man and (a) woman are talking in the office. 办公室一男一女正在谈话。

He could not understand why there was no noise coming from the house, not even the sound of the radio or (the) television. 他不明白为什么从屋子里一点响声也没传出来,甚至连收音机和电视机的声音也没有。



Chinese President Stresses Role of Working Class 中国国家主席强调工人阶级作用 (新闻标题 = The Chinese President Stresses the Role of the Working Class)

People Rebuild Homes After Flood 洪水退后人民重建家园(新闻标题 = The People Rebuild Their Homes After the Flood)

DO NOT SPEAK TO DRIVER WHILE BUS IS IN MOTION 汽车在行驶时请勿和司机讲话。(告示 = Do not speak to the driver while the bus is in motion)


I went to the market, (I) bought something useful, and (I) returned home within an hour. 我去了市场,买了点有用的东西,一小时之内就回来了。

They didn't like it, yet (they) said nothing. 他们并不喜欢它,可是什么话也没说。

(It) Doesn't matter. 这不碍事。

(You) Had a good time, didn't you 玩得开心,是吧?

I like your two small bottles, but I don't like the smallest (one). 我喜欢你的两只小瓶子,但我不喜欢最小的那一只。


We are delighted (that) you can come. 你能来,我们很高兴。

I believe (that) you will succeed.我相信你们会成功的。

It's a pity (that) he's leaving. 他要走,真遗憾。


I'll give you all (that) I have. 我要把我所有的一切都给你。

He read the book (which) I got yesterday. 他看过我昨天买的书了。

It wasn't I (who) let him in. 不是我放他进来的。

It happened on the day (when) we first met. 这发生在我们初次见面的那一天。

There is a man (who) wants to see you. 有个人想要见你。


(Does) Anyone want a drink 有谁要喝一杯吗?

Who (do) you think you are 你以为你是谁?(在特殊疑问句中,当主语是第二人称时,助动词do可省略)

I (have) got to go now. 我得走了。


I hope to finish my job and (to) go back home. 我希望做完事回家。(当几个不定式并列时,一般只需在第一个不定式前用to)

What we could do was (to) get away. (主语从句中含有do,那么作表语的动词不定式往往省略to)

We did not dare (to) speak. 我们不敢说话。(dare作行为动词用时,否定式可省略to)

There is nothing to do but (to) obey the orders. 除了服从命令之外,我们别无他法。(介词but前如有do,but后可省略to)



To be or not to be, that is the question. 活着还是死亡,这就是问题所在。(莎士比亚)

It was better to laugh than to cry. 笑比哭好。


He went (in) that way. 他往那边去了。

The two boys are (of) the same age. 这两个男孩年龄一样大。

I am in doubt (about) whether this is right or not. 我拿不定主意这对不对。

You may come to see me (at) any time between 4 and 5. 你在4点到5点之间随时都可以来见我。

She must have stayed here (for) a long time. 她在这里一定呆了很久了。



be busy (in) doing sth.  忙于做某事

spend time (in) doing sth.  花时间做某事

waste energy (in) doing sth.  浪费精力做某事

have difficulty (in) doing sth.  做某事有困难

have a good time (in) doing sth.  某事做得非常愉快

have a hard time (in) doing sth.  某事做得很艰难

take turns (in) doing sth.  轮流做某事

It is no use (in) doing sth.  做某事没有用

It is no good (in) doing sth.  做某事无益

There is no hurry (in) doing sth.  不必着急做某事

There is no point (in) doing sth.  做某事无意义

There is no use (in) doing sth.  做某事没有用


(There) Ought to be some coffee in the pot. 壶里应该有些咖啡的。

(There) Must be somebody waiting for you. 肯定有人在等你。

B. 句子成分的省略



Hope so. 希望如此。(= I hope so.)

Beg your pardon. 请你原谅。(= I beg your pardon.)

Take care! 当心!(= You take care.)

Looks as if it will rain. 看起来像要下雨。(= It looks as if it will rain.)

Serves you right. 你活该!(= It serves you right.)


祈使句主语通常省略(如Take care! 当心!)。但有时为了明确对方,可加上主语。

You feed the bird today, will you 今天你喂鸟,好吗?

Somebody answer the phone, please. 请来个人接一下电话。


Anything the matter?要紧吗?(= Is anything the matter)

Who next 该谁了?(= Who comes next)

Just a moment, please. 请等一会儿。(= Just wait a moment, please.)

The river was deep and the ice thin. 河很深,冰很薄。(= The river was deep and the ice was thin.)

We'll do the best we can. 我们将尽力而为。(= We'll do the best we can do.)

What we can't get seems better than what we have. 我们得不到的似乎要比我们已经得到的要好。(= What we can't get seems better than what we have got.)


Are you ready  Yes, I am. 你准备好了吗? 我准备好了。(am后面省略了表语ready)

He is a lover of sports as he was in his youth. 他还是像年轻时那样,是一位运动爱好者。(was后面省略了表语a lover of sports)

China has been, and still is, the most populous country in the world. 中国过去是,而且现在还是世界上人口最多的国家。 (= China has been the most populous country in the world and still is the most populous country in the world.)


We have to analyze and solve problems. 我们必须分析问题解决问题。(analyze后省略了宾语problems)

I struck match after match, but could not light. 我划了一根又一根火柴,但一根也没划着。(light后省略了宾语a match)

Let's do the dishes. I'll wash and you'll dry. 让我们洗碗吧,我来洗,你来揩干。(wash和dry后面省略了宾语dishes)


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