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2. 学习有关诗歌的词汇,并掌握重点单词、短语。





要求:8分钟迅速默读文章一遍, 把握文章主旨大意。


正课:1) 8分钟浏览、思考、理解相关知识,标记出疑难。

2) 8分钟组内简单讨论并把不会的提出质疑,10分钟展示点评总结。

Task1. First Reading   Read the text quickly and answer the following questions.

1. what’s the main idea of the passage?

Some simple forms of _______________.

2. How many kinds of poems does the passage talk about?

_____________;  _____________;  _______________;  ________; _____________

Task2. Second Reading

1. Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.

Forms of poems Characteristics

Nursery rhymes ◆Have strong _________ and rhyme

◆Have a lot of __________

◆Easy to learn and to _________

List poems ◆(Easy / Difficult) to write

◆Repeat ________ and some rhyme while other do not.

The cinquain ◆(Easy / Difficult) to write

◆Made up of ___________

◆Conveys a __________picture in just a few words

Haiku ◆A (Japanese / Chinese )form of poetry

◆Made up of ____________

◆(Easy / Difficult) to write

◆Gives a _______ picture

◆Creates a special feeling in just (a few/ many) words

Tang poems ◆English speakers enjoy this form of poems, so a lot of Tang poetry has been __________ into English.

◆The translations have a free form.

2. Skim the passage and choose the correct answers

1. What is the baby’s father going to buy if the mockingbird won’t sing in Poem A?

A. a billy-goat   B. a diamond ring   C. a looking-glass   D. a computer

2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in Poem B?

A. a fish-pond on fire         B. a cottage in the sky

C. a girl like a cat            D. a person ten-feet high

3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in Poem F?

A. a child      B. a branch   C. a butterfly    D. a blossom

4. What kind of feeling is conveyed in Poem G?

A.  sorrow   B. love   C. happiness   D. loneliness

Task 3. Underline the wonderful sentences in the book and fill in the blanks.

1.There are various reasons why people write poetry.

◆(1)_________________ 那就是……的原因。 (强调结果)

(2)_________________ 这是因为…… (强调原因)

(3) the reason why...is/was that (不用 because)做某事的原因是…。

[即境活用] The reason for his success is ______ he worked very hard.

A.why  B.that   C.because  D.for


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