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Many of the world's pollution problems have been caused by the crowding of large groups of people into cities. Supply for the __1__ of the people leads to__2__ pollution by industry. If the __3__ increase in human population __4__ at the present rate, there may be much greater harm. Some scientists speak of the __5__ in number of people as "population pollution".

About 2000 years ago, the world__6__ was probably about 250 million. __7__ reached a billion in 1850. By 1930 the population was two billion. It is __8__ three and a half billion. It is __9__ to double by the year 2000. If the population continues to grow at the same __10__, __11__ would be 25 billion people in the world a hundred years from now.

Man has been using the earth's__12__ more and more rapidly over the years. Some of them are almost __13__. Now many people believe that man's greatest__14__ is how to control the growth of his population. The __15__ in the world will not support the human population, in time to come, if the __16__ rate of increase continues. __17__ there is overcrowding in the __18__ and hunger in some countries. Can man's rate of increase continue? Many people believe that human survival (幸存者) in the future__19__ on the answer __20__ the question.

1. A. needs B. satisfies C. service D. lacks

2. A. farther B. less C. further D. better

3. A. harmful B. small C. slow D. rapid

4. A. stops B. continues C. slows down D. speeds up

5. A. increase B. reduce C. quality D. quantity

6. A. people B. situation C. population D. land

7. A. They B. You C. We D. It


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