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牛津译林版英语高二上册unit3教案怎么写:Back to the past



学习是一个不断深入的过程,他需要我们对每天学习的新知识点及时整理,接下来由威廉希尔app 为大提供了牛津译林版英语高二上册unit3教案怎么写,望大家好好阅读。

Period 1        Welcome to the unit

Teaching Objectives:

1)Get students to conduct a free discussion about ancient civilizations.

2)Encourage the students to share their ideas with each other.

Important points and difficult points:

1)Students are expected to describe what they have known about the ancient civilizations.

2)Encourage the students to communicate with classmates.

Teaching procedures:

Step1 Lead in

Quiz: How much do you know about the ancient civilization1)What are the four ancient civilized nations2)What are the seven wonders of the world?


Step2 Talking about the pictures

The  Statue  of  Zeus:

1.Who is Zeus? (A god of Greek mythology, Cronus and Rhea’s youngest son, the supreme ruler of both Mount Olympus and the Pantheon of gods residing there)

2.What does the name Zeus mean? (It is said to be related to the Greek word “dios” with ‘bright’ as its meaning.)

3.Where was the Statue (雕像) of Zeus once located? (On the western coast of Greece)

The Taj Mahal:

1.Who built it? (Shah Jehan, the fifth Mughal Emperor.)

For whom and why was it built (It was built by Shah Jehan for his beloved wife as a monument of eternal love.)

2.When was it built? (From 1631 to 1648)

3.Where is it? (On the banks of India’s most sacred river, the river Yamuna in Agra)

The Hanging Gardens:

1.Who built it? (King Nebuchadnezzar, who ruled ancient Babylon for dozens of years)

2.Why did it appear to be ‘hanging’ in the sky? (It looked so because it was constructed entirely on the roofs of a building, with a lot of trees surrounding it.)

3.Why was it built? (To cheer up Nebuchadnezzar 尼布甲尼撒二世(古巴比伦国王,攻占耶路撒冷,建空中花园)wife who was said to be very homesick)

The Potala Palace:

1.Where is it located? (On the Red Hill in the Lhasa Valley of Tibet, China)

2.When was it rebuilt? (In the 17th century)

3.What was it used as?   (The residence of the Dalai Lamas since the 7th century, as well as the religious and political centre of old Tibet)

Step3 Group discussion

1. What do you think of the structures you saw just now2. Do you think it is important to protect cultural heritage? Why or why not? Do you have any suggestions on how to protect itStep 4 Homework : Preview reading.

(1)Some of them have disappeared ,while others remain today .


a. remain不及物动词,“留下”“剩下”;还可意为“逗留”,其后通常接介词或副词。如:

After the fire ,very little remained of my house .火灾之后,我家所剩无几。

In the early days , some lived in tents and hunted wild animals. Others remained in one place and started farms of their own.


The children remained out because of the good weather.          由于天气晴朗,孩子们继续呆在室外嬉戏。

He has to remain in hospital until he is better.        他不得不住院,直到身体好转。

[注]表示“留在某地”时remain 和stay 同义。如remain/stay there(呆在那里),但只能说stay at home ,不能说remain at home。另外remain 既可指人逗留在一定场所,也可指物逗留在一定场所或保持原来的形状或状态,stay 只表示人逗留在一定场所。

b. remain用作连系动词,意为“保持”“仍然是”“还是”“剩下”,接形容词、名词、动词不定式、现在分词、过去分词或介词短语作表语,如:

He remained silent .        他保持沉默。

She remains unmarried.她仍然单身。

Man remained a hunter for thousands of years .人类的狩猎时期有数千年之久。

A lot of work remained to be done.许多工作还没做完。

After the earthquake ,very few houses remained standing .地震后几乎没有房子没倒塌。

[注]remain 接动词不定式表示将来动作,接现在分词表示正在进行的主动动作,接过去分词表示主语所处的状态或已经发生的被动动作。如:

This remains to be proved .        这有待证实。(将来的被动动作)

Whether it will do us good remains to be seen.  这是否对我们有好处,还要看一看。(将来的被动动作)

They remained listening.        他们一直在听。(正在进行的主动动作)

She remained sitting when I came in .我进来时,她仍然坐着。(正在进行的主动动作)

The book ,however ,remains unfinished.但这本书一直没完成。(表示主语所处的状态)

They remained locked in her room. 他们仍然被锁在房子里。(已经发生的被动动作)


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